Thanks you tatianna for your wonderful posts. I’ve been thinking seriously about homeschooling since I was pregnant, but I’ve been so busy teaching Marina things that I haven’t had a chance to learn how to homeschool her!
I have done some looking and cherry-picked resources, but a lot of what I’ve come across is faith-based, which I’m not interested in. With your lists and advice in hand, I feel more confident and capable of making a plan. Practically serene!
Like Longtalldrink, when I got pregnant, I had wanted to homeschool my kids instead of sending them to formal primary schools. Now’s my chance to try this out and see if I like it enough to do it full-time!!!
I can’t give you enough Karma! (literally). Your posts are very informative, encouraging and inspirational about homeschooling. You’ve given me some great ideas on subjects and activities to pursue with my son.
I look forward to reading more of your posts.
Did you take a training course or study to become a home school consultant? What is your training or credentials, I am interested in becoming one as well. I will be homeschooling my daughter (now 5 months) and I have taught public school for the past 13 years. Although I am no longer teaching due to health issues.
Thanks Tatiana,
I have been considering home schooling my daughter myself as i am a stay at home mum and am currently doing a foundation course at uni to get into early childhood education.
Your information was very helpful.
School has gotton away from the main purpose to educate the children in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. It is becoming a political indoctrination play ground.
Can anyone recommend a good program or a book about homeschooling a toddler?
I’d love to homeschool my son and my future children, the sooner I start the more comfortable I’ll feel about it