If you could, would you decide on a 3rd child?

I know many cases where after adopting they found she is pregnant. Maybe because after taking that decision, you take the stress ou of it and then you get pregnant.

i would love to have another one but i think we will wait till my baby is 3 or 4
after that we will adopt

We are in fact trying for another one right now.
I m checking myself constantly with the ovulation sticks, but so far there is no luck.

I wonder if it has to do with me still breastfeeding my son because I have not get my period back regularly. Does any one have any advice or any experiences??

I think I will be good with 2 kids but my husband is actually the one pushing for more babies. so we will see…

I totally agree with you!!
If I will be rich or wealthy I will love to have more than three children. I have only one for now, We will love to have one more child…and We actually will love to have more children 4- 6 I don’t know, but it is difficult to give them attention, good vacations,healthy food, good quality of live, we think in their future and we are looking to send them to nice schools, nice universities…etc. But the sad part is all that COSTS MONEY!!! I can’t bring more kids to this world to suffer. I prefer quality of live instead of quantity…but like I say if I were rich I will love to have lots more.

The amazing thing about moms (and dads) is that just when you think you can’t take anymore pressure, the thought pops in your mind… I want another baby.

It always works out. You cannot make a bad decision. If you have a 3rd, everything else in your life will adjust to accomodate. You have more love in your heart than you think is possible. And love makes everything possible.

We would definetely love 2 more!
Me and my hubby on the same page :slight_smile:
But I agree with the thing was said here already: It is a family decision, It is a personal decision.
But to tell you the truth I never heard anybody who has 2 or more children to say “Oh, I wish we had only 1”,
It is always other way around: as soon as we get the taste of it we want more :slight_smile:
I see it is an old thread, so I hope you’re pregnant already lol

I had the only child and thought I was done. I had to work and felt guilty putting one baby in day care. Well 20 years later we are expecting a healthy baby boy and will be the stay at home mom I wanted to be the first time around. I did regret not having another child at times but our daughter turned out happy and well adjusted. Enjoy the one you have and give yourself and your hubby more time. OK don’t wait as long as we did! Find a person to trade baby sitting time with and enjoy your marriage. It takes work to keep a family together and happy.

I have 2 children for now.I would like to have one more, because of the smiles and joy that you recieve when you take care of them.I am not sure that I can give enough attention to 3 children.Right now my 2 children want more of my attention for every one of them personally.It is very difficult for me to do this.So I think that it is better to have 2 and take care of them with joy then have 3 and to be stressed or unsure.But everything is different for every person, so you have to do what you feel is better for you.

I consider an excellent situation (if one can make it work) to have your first 2 kids with 24 month between them (considering pregnancy time). After that maybe it is better to wait 3 or 4 years more and start again.