If we provide ready information to the kids then what about the curiosity??


Yaa thats true but Glenn Doman says that stop before ur kid wants to stop it.So that will make him hunger for more knowledge.And if ur child ask u something dont give direct answer For ex One day one father and small 4 yrs child was walking suddennly child stops and ask his father “Daddy can u see that tall circular building ??Daddy says yes.“Can u see that lights on top of that building?” Daddy says Yes “Can u tell me how it looks?” Than his daddy was smart parent and he crossed question his son.” He says to his child that “i will answer but first u tell me first that how it lookks and how do u feel?” Than what did that child answered u know. He said “Daddy i can see that building looks like cake and the lights looks like candles on top of that cake”".Daddy got amazed by his answer.

This means if daddy would have given him direct answer than this creative thought of child would never have blossomed.This means u should never ever give direct answer to ur child’s question u should alwayz but let them anwer first and let that creative thought to come out.


That’s very good advice, Sapna!

Thannk you!!! KL


That is a master piece for each and every parent, Sapna. Thanks a lot for sharing and I would like to add a little bit about children curiosity.

If a child stays curious, he will continue to explore and discover. This gives pleasure to him and pleasure leads to repetition. Repetition leads to mastery with confidence. Confidence increases a willingness to act on curiosity. This way children learns everything around the world.

Even learning to read follows the same. If a child is shown a flash card written “cloud”, he/she would be curious to explore and discover. He/she would discover that clouds are up on sky and its color. Then this gives him pleasure and would need to learn different words as a result he/she learns to read fluently. He becomes a master on reading. That is how it works.

So I would say that providing ready information to kids increases their curiosity so that they enjoy learning. :slight_smile:
