Ideas for making dots more exciting?

My daughter is 12 months old and I have recently started showing her the dot cards. She is incredibly active and it is almost impossible to get her still for a moment to show her the cards - if she is on the ground then I can show her one card maximum and she’ll be off, if she is confined in a chair or her cot then she is yelling to get out and since its meant to be fun I can’t exactly show her the cards then. I have also read that lots of children show some amount of boredom at seeing just dots, so wondered if anyone had ideas about how to make it more fun.

One method that worked for me today was to jump around in front of her and show her a card inbetween the antics - she thought that was very funny and looked for all of the cards. Another thing I have tried is to play peek-a-boo while showing her the cards. I feel like a fool doing it, but she seems to enjoy it more. Anymore activities to try would be appreciated as my daughter will get bored with the same skylarking from her mother every day :slight_smile:

Hi there, my son quite enjoys the picture ones best. So I kind of mix them in. A dot card and then a picture - an apple or two trucks, then a dot card. It keeps his attention for a bit longer. My son is also older, so maybe that also makes the difference I don’t know. But it sounds like you’re having loads of fun!! Good for you.


Karma to you ( I hope you get points for that I’m new at this). Your idea has been very very helpful. Your idea has saved our math program!

I took it a step farther. I printed my dot carts, then put them in plastic protectors inside a 3 ring binder. I put in 10 dot cards at timewith a picture or two in between each one.
When David (almost 2) sees the pictures he wants me to do them with him. Then I looks at the dots as he waits for the next picture.

I have the same problem. My trick is to show him a card and throw it in the air. Now he want’s to throw it so, I give it to him and he throws it in the air. All this time I am repeating the number on the card. Luckily, he is doing the clean up after wards. We sing a clean up song.

Recently he started chewing on the cards. So, I have been giving an empty one. While he chews I show him the cards and I tell him that I see a tree coming out of his mouth. He knows paper is made from trees. So, he is all excited that there is a tree in his mouth.