I was disspointed to read this about Glenn Doman methods

Yesterday I was so disspointed :frowning: to read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Institutes_for_the_Achievement_of_Human_Potential
Where Scientific evaluation for Glenn Doman’s method is not so good.

I am due soon.
I wonder to what extent should I follow Glenn Doman methods :frowning:

you should visit some of these brain injured children who recovered from total “vegetables” to normal children. I know several such stories and it is unaccountable how harmful the mainstream medicine was for them. yes, GD method can fail, and than doctors blame GD. but traditional medicine also can fail, and than doctors do not blame themselves.

(I also searched Medline for IAHP and GD method research, and did not find anything. I did not find anything positive - but also there was not anything negative. researchers are studying everything what they can imagine, and it would be so easy to study early readers. I do not know why there is some kind of taboo?)

True that Doman’s method is not recognized by the medical fraternity. But you will find so many of us here who have been following his method of teaching to read and found success. The link you provided debates about the mode of treatment only for brain-injured children. But there are several parents out here who have seen great developments from their brain-injured children who were trained on Doman method.

Look at the fruit. Obviously, I can testify of a good fruit from observing dozens of children who followed the method. So that speaks for itself. And most of all be spirit-led, individually-led, with approach and pace that will be the best for your child.

By the way, majourity always frowned down and critised minorities, which did something different and outstanding, so I would not take “majourity opinion” without any thinking…

and come on, it’s on Wikipedia. Don’t listen to everything on there.

Who is going to do the scientific testing? It costs money to run them, and I’m sure Glenn doman would happily go along with testing if someone else footed the testing bill. (Why waste your own money proving something scientifically…) But seriously, he doesnt need testing to show that his method works. Look on youtube for all the videos of his method working. Succeeding. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I see this method is proven. How would a scientist prove the method works? By seeing if babies can read using flashcards. Er…so how is that NOT proven then???

Agreed with all the above noters. I have living proof sleeping in the room next to mine that this method works. I find that since I’ve become a parent I have found alot of things that are taboo to the medical community are actually the best thing for my child. He would still be locked in his little autism world if I listened to them all the time. I hope you will still consider doing the Glenn Doman method with your child. But even if you don’t I’m sure s/he will be just fine :slight_smile:

Ironically, WIKIPEDIA is almost completely biased! (So few people understand ALL of the bias in our media these days!)

The medical INDUSTRY (one of the most profitable and powerful in the world) spends an extraordinary amount of money on preventing anyone or anything else from eating into their profits. One of the many propaganda stunts it successfully pulls: controlling ALL the Wikipedia articles via FULL time employees who constantly and vigilantly post to the site and block ALL other people from posting.

(I spoke at length to the Domans about this dilemma - they actually chose to not allow a wikipedia article on Glen Doman rather than see the hired “vigilante” medical bloggers defame his great name.)

Now I fully understand why Glen Doman didn’t win a noble prize for his work (only five people - in Sweden - decide who gets them!! And it is extremely political…)

It is a conspiracy, but if you’ve ever observed our society without blinders I think you would quickly come to the conclusion that there must be a conspiracy to keep the bulk of the population sub-literate. Most people learn to read quickly and efficiently with a personal “tutor”(a parent) but our model for learning to read includes 1) Being read to and nothing more up until age 5 and 2) Going to a school with 15-20 or more other children where one teacher is responsible for working a miracle. The result is exactly what “they” want it to be.

:biggrin: It makes my heart so happy to see bloggers like those who responsed who are not brain washed by the media. The media who thinks middle "America " can not think for itself and they, the media, need to take it upon themselves to save us from our own stupided, because of course they know what is best for my child. I bet some who write probably don’t even have children :ohmy: . I am sick of the media telling me what “they” think. I don’t care what they think! Tell me the FACTS, THE REALLY AND TRUE FACTS, that real American families are seeing and producing. :smiley: :laugh:

Thank you, :happy:
From a slow American who loves her freedom to think for herself and her family.

Ana 3 i have to agree with you, and i don’t think its just America with the mass media problem its here in Australia as well. The media here have also taken it upon themselves to think for middle Australia who also apparently are to stupid to think for themselves as well.

As far as im concerned I do not trust the education system to teach my child as well as what i can and it is unfair to expect a teacher who has a classroom of 30kids to be able to have the time to give each child individual time to see the child catch up if they are behind or help them exceed if they are ahead.


I personally have seen many great results from Glenn Doman methods, but that said I do think that there is a difference between the methods that one would employ with a brain injured child and a healthy child. When my healthy daughter was born I tried to implement GD’s methods and was COMPLETELY overwhelmed. There was no way at all that I could do everything that he recommends, and at the frequency that he recommends. I do think that some balance needs to be applied to his methods. For example, there is absolutely no need to prick or pinch your kid to make them cry to stimulate the vital reflex. But, knowing that reflex should be developing, and watching when she does hurt herself how she responds is useful information to have. So, I have used GD’s methods within the balance that I decided was right for me and my family. And, I know that I can’t do everything he recommends - and he tries very hard in all his books to make parents who don’t follow his programs to the tee feel terribly guilty - which I hate about his style of writing - so I refuse to feel guilty. But, I do very much appreciate what I have learnt and the results that I have seen from the information that he has shared. Use it with balance!

I agree with previous posts. In my many hours of searching it has been extremely rare to find parents or kids doing Doman that did not feel they benefitted. I actually only found one person that thought it was detrimental to their son.

Another old thread brought to the light.

Here is the real problem with doing a formal study on early learning, and why I have heard that Doman doesn’t want to do one.

Studies require a control group. They require a placebo. One group of kids would have NOT be taught how to read, and one group would have to go through some placebo program that wouldn’t teach the kids anything. We aren’t talking about lab rats or chemical reactions, we are talking about human beings. It would be unethical to withhold a great learning opportunity from a small child. Doman knows that every child is born with more potential for learning than Leonardo da Vinci ever used. Why would we hold them back for the sake of a study?

The control group is the average child not exposed to early learning. The placebo is Sponge Bob Square Pants, or even Sesame Street, or, well, pick your favorite. And the early learning group? Look around at the testimonials on this site, on Your Baby Can Read, or Monki See, or the TeachYourBabyToRead yahoo group. As Skylark suggested, look at the fruit and decide for yourself. :slight_smile:

Try it and you will be amazed at how it works. You don’t have to do it all, but you will be convinced once you see your child quickly meet the milestones.

I personaly think, that the greates lesson form GD I have lent is: children are not idiots, they arepersons that can undertandbetter thant many adults,so don´t just put themin a corner to do " important things" get theminvolved as much as you can, I have three kids and I can carry out an adult convesation with the older one ( 3,5 years ald) and almouts adoult convestation with my mildle one (2,5) and I am sure that my one year old baby canundestand a lot of what I say and sow him. I don´t fallow the DM to the lastdont,andI was really socked withthepostentryof a mom that spoked about pinching the child to get them to cry ( never heard that), but I have lernt that the things I was seeng my fisth baby do, are things babays can do, so no problem, keep giving them info, they can dell with it!!!

Personally!!! we can say with certainty that Glen Domman changed the quality of life of my daughter! and now my nieces and everyone of my friends who is willing to listen and do the work it takes to help our kids achieve their potential!
Domman is for tough moms who are willing to dare the status Q of school and traditional medicine. Blessings to the Domman family here on earth !!

Glen Doman did publish some papers long ago like 1950’s. It was a long time (2 decades?) before he was even noticed enough to denounce.
In the auditorium is a latin motto which says, i think,
agemus ergo (it is). Patterned after descartes’ i think therefore i am
Glen Doman says “we are doing it, therefore it is”.

When i visited, he has a Picture of Pope shaking his hand.
Usually you have done something significant to get a picture like that.

If wikipedia would denounce him, it says more about them that him.
Other wikipedia posts i saw, such as the one for AAPS, removed my respect for Wikipedia.

If you are expecting and believing the media, you really need to do your own unbiased research about lifestyle choices. Doman is just one facet - how about vaccinations? GMO? Chem trails? Radiation? Physical exercise and to me the most important your Faith. The babies, body, mind and most importantly SOUL needs to be nourished too. This is a wonderful journey that you are embarking on but all these facets need to be embraced for a whole child approach. Good luck! Feel free to PM me if you need some facts or research on any of these topics.

I have had a long experience with the Doman method and the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. It is effective and the Institutes credible.
The only way to make treatment work is to do the program. Only families that do the work will achieve results for their brain injured child. For Healthy Babies, results are a cinch; but again the parents have to regularly do the program; it won’t teach itself. You can want your child to be able to play catch but if you don’t play catch with her it ain’t gonna happen.

The conventional expensive ," treatment," facilities will do anything, defame, lie, to hurt the Institutes/the Doman method; a successful worldwide program. If it didn’t work it wouldn’t have survived nearly 60 years. Conventional treatment is ashamed they offer nothing but a lifetime of crippled brains and bodies, and expensive drugs and surgical procedures. The Institutes method produces Brain Healed normal children and healthy children who learn easier and more quickly. Their results causes shame and envy for incompetent neurologists, psychologists protecting their monopoly and income stream.
The Institutes cost to families is negligible and nothing to families who cannot afford to contribute.