I want the TV off but my husband doesn't !!

Here’s a problem for you guys :slight_smile:

I watch little TV, I hardly open it and rarely feel the urge to…

my husband on the other hand reaches for the remote control the minute he sits down… I want to wean him off :biggrin: for when there’s a baby but that is soo hard!!

Does anyone else have this problem??

My husband doesn’t watch a terrible amount of TV, especially since we don’t have cable (we don’t need anything else to drain our time). He does know that pediatricians advise against children under 2 year old watching TV, so when our son was born, he tried to only watch in another room (although my son would follow him and plunk down to watch golf or football quite naturally).

Maybe your husband would cut down for the sake of your child if he wouldn’t do it just for himself?

Yes, my dh also likes to have the t.v. on when he is home. I rarely turn it on, except to have dd watch the YBCR dvds. Thankfully, my dh is home very rarely, so the one or two hours a week that dh has the t.v. on I usually just take dd into another part of the house or take her outside.

I hate to say, Noha, but this is quite common. Especially if the man was raised with the TV on a lot. I grew up hardly ever watching TV, and I hardly watch it now. Plus, I have little time to watch it. Gabriel’s dad used to watch a lot of TV growing up, so he can sit and watch TV all day. Luckily, he favored the computer more when he was here, so he spent most of his time on it instead of watching TV. My step dad turns the TV on as soon as he comes home from work, and it pretty much stays on until he goes to bed. The rest of the household doesn’t watch much.

OK, this is what my husband liked to do also as soon as he got home, he changed his clothes, washed hands, kissed everyone then went straight for the computer or TV. It was so annoying…still is sometimes. He says he needs to “unwind” from a busy day but what’s better then laughing/cuddling his son for a little while??? Afterall, he hasn’t seen him all day! Well after many disscussions with my hubby, he finally stoped (most of the time) heading straight to the bad habits.

Talk to your hubby and tell him how important it is to you and let him know that you need a “baby break” too. When he went for the tv/computer, I would just ask him sweetly "honey, I’m going outside for a bit, can you watch the baby and leave before he could even answer!! He had no choice! I would just go outside in the back swing and read a little.

hope this helps!

My husband watches couple of shows. I taked to him and asked him please do not turn on the tv when baby is around…and explain him why…so he knows the importance of having the tv off and focus the baby in something better, he agrees…sometimes he forgets but I am here to remain him…
I think you should talk to your husband and tell the importance of having the tv off, I hope you guys find a good solution for this, maybe you can record the programs and watch later when baby is sleeping.

Then im the luckiest one.My hubby does not watch TV at all :yes: .Before my son was born he used to watch TV a lot.AT weekends he just sits in front of TV doing nothing.After my son was born he was the one to initiate me to wean TV.Now we both do not watch TV.

You try to divert Ur husband’s attention to some other thing like ask him to help u in teaching ur baby or in preparing teaching material .Im sure he would not deny it.All the Best. :slight_smile:

I agree, I do that with my husband, just keep him busy, help with the baby, or do proyects all togheter.

my husband has the same problem…
keeping him busy with preparing his study material & helping to teach him - worked only a few months for me…
now what we have decided is after coming form office he can watch tv for some 45 min. & twice or thrice a week he can watch it longer… if he breaks the rule I simply ask my son to go & switch off the tv ( he cannot shout on kid :wink: )…
I am sure this will work for a few months then again I’ll have to think something else lol

thanks for posting about this- what about putting a big map on the TV with velcrow tape for the times when the TV is off…I’m seriously considering that myself.

My husband responds well to statistics and scientific studies (he is an engineer type) . So, if I showed him a print out of a study (or a few studies) done that say TV viewing is bad for babies, I think he would respond well to that. He doesn’t watch TV much, so I hadn’t had to worry about that.

But if it become a choice between having a happy daddy and husband, or having the TV off, I would go with the happy daddy. I think that would be more important to baby. :wink:

My husband watches the news when he is home during the day, but it isn’t often and most of the time me and the kids are exploring the outdoors so it isn’t a problem:) His issue is with all of the different language CD’s I play during the day :biggrin:

In my house TV is on almost every afternoon. My husband likes to wacth TV(mainly news and sports), he is a very hardworking man and says watching TV helps him relax.I must confess, I like to watch TV too. :wink: What are the negative effects of watching too much TV for babies. Is it going to affect or delay his learning process? We do most of our reading and learning in the mornings.