I think we are there! Reading!

I thought that I was doing something wrong becouse my little girl didn ´t want to give me any prove of understanding the words. I have been searching the forum for ideas and schedules, asking questions ect. Today before her nap I took a book we never read before - My dog talks - where the title is in big red font and I asked her to read the words for me , not expecting anything and she read “my dog”.
I was so happy and surprised and I am glad I am doing it probably the right way. She probably needs new books intead of rereading one several times more often. She is that type of child who hates being tested in any way and if I read her the same book pointing to words hoping she will read it , she takes it as testing.

Well I am full of energy now! :clown:

That’s excellent. I would suggest hooking up with the local library. Ours lets us get up to 30 books and keep them for 3 weeks at a time. We go in once or twice a week and exchange about 5-6 books. I found that that has really helped her stay interested. Sometimes she falls in love with one of the books, and so we’ll look for that one online to add to our collection. Keep going mama, you’re doing great!

Congratulations to you! :slight_smile:

Repitition is a good thing since our little ones discover new things everytime. They love becoming familiar with the story. Also repetition helps strengthen the brain.

But of course new books are the best!
I am so excited for your family!! You have done a great job!

WONDERFUL news!!! Thank you for sharing, nicely done Mama & LO! :slight_smile:

Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!
You must be through the moon today! And so proud :yes:
Did she seem thrilled, or just matter-of-fact!? As in, ‘of course I can read Mama, you taught me!’ lol I think there are a lot of cheeky little ones out there that just choose to demonstrate their knowledge on their own time!
Big hugs to her and mommy, and perfect timing, right?!

Yeah!! That is wonderful. Shows that you have been doing great work with her! Thanks for all your input on the forums too. Hearing that another LO is reading encourages others to keep at it! :yes:

Thank you ladies. I am very very happy mainly becouse English isn ´t our first language and it has been a bit of a hard work lol
I know we are still at the begining but at least I know that it is there!

Keri , now when I am thinking about it she didn ´t look surprised and I had to be very carefull with my reactions as she doesn ´t like to be praised too much. She loves to be encouraged but praised only a little.

The feeling that she read it without spelling the letters , as they teach here at schools, was amazing!

I wonder if I fall asleep tonight lol lol

Oh that is heart warming!
You know I had noticed your comments and posts of late seem to be related around a lack of success. I was about 2 posts away from a PM to check up on you as you seems to be getting discouraged. This absolutely made my day to read this post!
My son also doesn’t like to show me what he knows. I know he knows the entire alphabet in names and letter sounds ( including many blends and digraphs and multiple sounds per letter!), I also know he can read most basic readers up to 2 sentences per page as he sits to read them when I am helping at school. I see his eyes on the words and watch when he turns the pages and looks to the picture for clues. He sometimes asks one of the kids what a word is too! He reads along with other kids who are reading aloud and sometimes fills in words when I get interrupted during bedtime stories. But even with ALL that if I wasn’t really, really observant I wouldn’t know he could read at all. He just won’t show me very much at all.
I am SOOOOO happy to hear you have had some success, the motivation this little win creates will create a landslide of learning now! Go Mumma!

I feel your pain! And your joy! I have a 3 year old that only likes to show me what he is capable of when he is ready. I get a lot of "No!"s followed by an eyeroll (from mommy lol). I have to sneak around to see what he is really learning until he is ready to show me himself. Like today he walked up to me with a golf ball and a hair pin. He held out the ball, and said “This is an egg”. “Well then, what is that?” I asked pointing to the hairpin. “This is a sperm.” he replied matter of factly as he put them together to show me the egg was being fertilized. I can honestly say that I did not see that coming!!! But he was ready to tell me he understood! lol

Oh, annisis!!! I am ROFL!!! lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Oh ! lol lol lol Classic! I do think perhaps the boys like to hide their knowledge more than the girls do. My girls were always so happy to show me EVERYTHING they knew…loudly and in multiples! :biggrin:

This is great. I wan’t to include a lot of biology and human life cycles and some reproductive education (I don’t know if “sex ed” is the right word) in my EL regiment. What did you use to teach him about reproductive methods? Please share.

Peter Weatherall is the greatest! :yes: I think many will agree! He also has DK The Human Body Book, which has outstanding diagrams! Be warned: this is not a children’s book, but the visuals make it very kid friendly. And he is a little obsessed with the human body. The Human Body Book comes with a DVD that has three short clips on it, one shows how antibodies and white blood cells work together, another shows sperm racing to fertilize an egg, and the other shows how synapses work in the nervous system. And we have probably watched some stuff on youtube about reproduction as I was pregnant a few months ago :biggrin: Lots of stuff is out there… just approach it as anatomy. And Bill Nye has a show about genes that may have mentioned fertilization. A lot of Bill Nye by request in this house lately.

thanks for your tips lol

"You know I had noticed your comments and posts of late seem to be related around a lack of success. I was about 2 posts away from a PM to check up on you as you seems to be getting discouraged. This absolutely made my day to read this post! "

Yes, you are right, I did feel a bit unhappy :wub: But I was/am more concerned about her speaking abilities.
I got another reading prove in the morning. The funny thing is that it looks like I am the only one who looks surprised in our house that she finally reads lol lol

Thanks for all your support.

I purchased Little Reader Deluxe Edition when my baby was 5 months old but we didn’t have daily sessions until she was 7 months old. I really didn’t know if she was absorbing anything as her attention tends to wander most of the time we have lessons. I supplement her LR lessons with the manual flash cards by showing her the 5 flap cards that came along with the Little Reader Deluxe edition. The flap cards contain the words mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa and a blank flap card for baby’s name. About 2 weeks ago, just for fun, my aunt and I asked her which one is daddy and showed her 3 flap cards, the first time we asked her that, she chose the flap card “daddy.” My aunt and I thought it was just a lucky guess, so I again asked my baby which one is mommy and showed her 3 flap cards. My baby grabbed the flap card “mommy.” Since my baby looked happy, I again asked her which one is Khaylin (her name) while holding 3 flap cards. My baby touched the flap card “Khaylin.” I was so excited I called my husband to show him what our baby was doing. I asked her again which one was daddy and she touched the flap card daddy. My husband then started to record her in his iphone and my baby sensed it because the next time I asked her which one is grandma, she refused to choose so we stopped. She however didn’t show us again what she knows but I’m glad that she did that one time because it encouraged me to continue with her LR lessons :slight_smile:

I am so HAPPY for you and your little one. I hope to post about our DS’s progress soon. He also does not easily let others know what he has learned.

Congratulations!!! I am so excited and happy for your family :slight_smile:
My son is the same way he does not like to cooperate with the camera on him. I also did not start early learning until he was about 7 months old. You and your daughter have done an amazing job!! Have you started to introduce phonics to your daughter?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

CONGRATULATIONS :wink: !!! You have to be very proud!!!

Thank you :slight_smile: It so nice to hear from other parents who are also tracking their baby’s progress.

Thank you :slight_smile: Our LR lesson now includes pattern phonics but baby is not very interested in it. Her attention starts to wander everytime pattern phonics lesson begins :slight_smile: