I need some help

Hi everyone
Thank u for your welcoming to this great place.
i have just started LR with my 12 months old baby girl and would like to start with LM but I am a bit confused.
how should I do it? First the reading and then the maths, or should I allow some time before one and the other?
is anybody doing both things who can give me some ideas??? :nowink:
I had already started with babybits in Spanish befor I met your page which is really what i was lookinf for but at this moment I don’t know if I am making mistakes in trying her to do both things
Can anybody give a hand?
thanks very much

It is a matter of what your child is interested in. They can certainly learn very much at once. The only concern is how long will they pay attention. Start with reading, keep it short, then if still paying attention do some math keep it short. The trick is keep it short and make it fun. If they want more give it to them but don’t bore them.

Yep, follow your child. I always did LR followed by LM, but it doesn’t really matter how you do it as long as your baby is paying attention and enjoying it.