I hate math...I really do. How can I teach my kid?

Hhhhh…I really, really do…lol

I took advanced math up until grade 12 (calculus and data management) and passed, but I did poorly and really hated it. After that, even thinking about math makes me cringe…so this is exactly why I need to teach my child from an early age. So that he can get the advantage I didn’t have.

I want to start the Doman Math program soon and be as consistent as possible. Hopefully, I can get addition, division, subtraction and multiplication done in the next three or four months.

Then what? I’m sure it doesn’t wend there? My child is 15 months right now and I don’t want to introduce a screen yet.

You can teach him/her the simple maths now and hire a tutor later when it starts to be complex or difficult for you.
Don’t deny him/her the opportunity :wink:

Ваш ребенок это не ваша копия. У него могут быть свои желания. Если он хочет учиться - нельзя отказывать ему в этом. В любом случае, можно позвать учителя, который будет это делать за вас. Но конечно лучше, когда родитель сам занимается обучением своего ребенка

Parents should try to set aside their distaste for math and encourage their children as much as possible. Young children are eager to learn. “It’s hard to learn to talk or walk. But they don’t care. They just push themselves over their limits. They are going to come at math with that same attitude.

With so many facts and figures to memorize and apply to math problems, children learn early that math is something that requires work. That doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun; keep the pleasure in math by playing games with your children. Many games, even the ones adults play, rely on math. With countless websites, computer games and phone apps, parents have endless options, but don’t forget about the nondigital games you loved as a child. The classics that require manipulating cards and game pieces, calculating along the way, may have the same appeal for your kids as they did for you.

Look for a tutor! There are many resources out there. There are also many online resources / online tutors that could greatly benefit your child.

Now there are lots of resources online for everyone to utilize. We usually try out a bunch of different websites and we’ve really grown to like Beestar. The kids enjoy using the website with the honor roll system and the easy to understand site.