I bought the lot: LR + LMus + LMath. How do I manage the doses for each package?

Hi there,
I am new in this forum. I recently bought the three software packages plus French and Chinese curriculum.

I want to teach my 15 months old boy Spanish (my mother tongue), English (spoken in the country that we live and his father’s mother tongue), and then French (that I also speak) and Chinese (I have no clue).

I did started with LR in English for about 25 lessons and about the same Little Musician lessons.
Now I am introducing the Chinese curriculum, but my son does not seem to last still for much more than half the lesson (it happened the same in English).

How should I manage the doses for each package? Should I do them all at the same time (i.e. 2 things in the morning, 2 things in the evening)

I do not want to upset him and giving him too much, because then he will not be interested at all.

Should I introduce the languages one at a time? Or at the same time is ok?

My son is not yet fully into it, but I think it is getting a bit better every day.

Could any of you give me some recommendations?
I appreciate your help in advance.
Kind regards, Alicia (Perth)

Hi Maravilla,
Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:
Everything about your schedule depends on your son’s mood. To keep my son interested in the lessons when we first started I used to talk happily about them while we were doing fun stuff like playing on the playground. You can try showing the lessons while he is snacking or after an activity that has taken some of his energy. The main thing is to always follow his mood and if he does not want to watch try again the next day. I have noticed if a coupe days or more goes by without the lessons my son is more attentive when they are resumed.

In the beginning I was showing my son Little Math, LR English and Chinese session 1 in the morning and session 2 in the evening.
By the time LMs was released he was reading in English so we stopped those lessons gradually.
Since then we have added French, Spanish files and Encyclopedia Knowledge files. So each session of BrillKids takes us about half an hour. Sometimes I split one session into two and try to catch up over the weekend.

Yes you can definitely teach all languages simultaneously. I usually try to plan our extra lessons so that he is learning the same words in all the languages.

Looking forward to hearing more about your early learning journey

Hi Mela Bala,
Thanks so much for taking the time to give me some advice and personal experiences.

I think I could implement some of your ideas such as playing it while snacking of after an energy demanding activity.

My son is just 15 months, so I think I would struggle to keep his attention for half an hour, but I will try to add to the learning progressively (perhaps two things in the morning -i.e. Chinese, Music and then French in the evenings.

And then leave English for a bit later (since he should learn it naturally anyway) for when he is more enthusiastic about the whole thing.
Or perhaps I should wait until I finish the two semesters curriculums for Chinese, Music and French and then next year do English, Maths and Spanish (if Brillkids releases it).

Do you think I could try to do each day the same curriculum day for all languages? Is that what you mean?

I am still a bit confused about it all. But so excited as well. Big plans for little people :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

Here is how I do it with my 8 months old son, if that helps :smiley:

We started regularly at 5 months. I introduced LR Chinese first, a week later I introduced LM in addition to LR, another week later I introduced LMs and yet another week later I introduced LR English.

I shortened Little Math lessons for him, showing him 5 quantities per lesson and 3 equations per lesson, and we use only red dots for quantities and random color dots for equations. It took me a couple of minutes to implement these changes from LM settings, but it helped a lot. He LOVES his math lessons and we are already past lesson # 70.We are not racing and sometimes review things or skip a day, just flowing with how he feels.

We usually do one quantity and one equation lesson per sitting, ending up doing very brief session of LM about 3-4 times a day. Instead of twice a day.

As a rule I start with either LR Chinese or LR English. We do either half or full session depending on his concentration level and switch to a short session of Math. We finish with LMs. During Little Musician we do a lot of dancing together, and not necessary sit at the computer all the time. Often we do it in two sittings.

The later in the day we do another BrillKids session, starting with LR Chinese this time, following with short session from Math (second part of the 1st session for that day) and a Part of the Little Musician that we did not finish

Then we do another session later on in the day, starting with LR English, then doing first part of session 2 of little Math (short version), then EK presentation from LR ( whatever he is interested in at the moment, – right now he likes animals and landmarks)

Then we do another session before the end of the day with LR Mandarin, EK file, and Little Math – the last short session for that day. We also watch 1/3 of TW video at this point.

We do a lot of hands on activities throughout the day, reading the books, counting objects, listening to classical music, dancing. But that is how we schedule our BK programs with my 8 months old son. It looks regimented but it is not really. We flow with how he feels and what he wants to do and most of the time he is the one who is begging to do LR :yes: when I forget! Hope this helps.

Hi Maravilla,
I would start all the curriculums this year simultaneously. If your little one does not have the attention span and you do not have time to break up all the lesson individually each day I would alternate days. For example Day 1 - LR English, LM
Day 2 - LR French, LMs
Day 3 - LR Chinese, LR available Spanish files

Of course you would pick which lesson for the day. A lot of people teaching multiple languages have designated certain days for different languages. I also recommend starting English because this program will introduce him to a lot of vocab, teach him how to read the whole words and the phonic sessions are a great tool. I highly recommend you start if you haven’t already to teach him letter sounds, digraphs and blends.
I noticed my son enjoyed the English lessons a lot bc it was familiar and gave him confidence. He could also associate the pics used in Chinese to the English lessons. I am currently on round 2 of Chinese even though he has a good grasp on the language.

Don’t worry about being confused. Sometimes I still am. When I first joined the forum I read through a lot of the old threads. You will find a lot of information about products, methods and experiences.