Hypersensitivity to noise. Any ideas why?

My 31 month old daughter hates loud noise (except when she’s making it! :slight_smile:

She would cover her ears and RUN if I put on the vacuum cleaner or blender or if the tv comes on loud suddenly, dryers and anything like that, she can’t stand.

I need to warn her before putting on the blender or vacuum cleaner. We went to a service station yesterday, she had said she needed to do a wee but she refused to go in because the dryers were on!

I’m not sure why this is. Her hearing is perfectly normal. Anyone has any idea why this could be? Hopefully she’ll soon get over it.


It could be just a stage. The only thing I can think of is if she may have a little fluid build up behind the ear drum.
If not some people just can be afraid of loud noises.
I know I was terrified of thunderstorms as a kid. Would send me into a tizzy. Now I’m 35 and handle it just fine. I still don’t like fire works though. But then my problem stems from having my ear drums damaged when I was little. So loud sound actually hurts my ears.

My oldest was afraid of a toy radio when she was little and would cry every time my husband would turn on Alvin and the Chipmunks music. LOL
She grew out of it. But then later on we found out she had fluid behind her ears even though her hearing was great. Now she’s 13 and loud noises don’t phase her a bit.

My middle child just turned three and I have the same problem. My daughter covers her ears and runs at the sound of any loud noise (trucks, cars, vacuum cleaners, etc…). We live in the city so this is a problem for us. I took her to the doctor because I too thought it was a nasty ear infection or fluid in the ear. When my pediatrician checked it out she said her ear was fine. She told me that it could be just a phase and that we would just keep an eye on her. Well then the fourth of July came and someone in the apartment building next door thought it would be hilarious if they threw an M80(one of those 1/4 stick of dynamite or whatever they are called) right next to my building. She just so happened to be on the potty when the bright light flashed and then there was an explosion and the entire house shook violently. Well that was it she went into hysterics screaming covering her ears and running around like a chicken without a head.

Now it is even worse sometimes we can’t even go outside because she hears a noise and freaks out and wants to go home. At least before if she heard a loud noise I could comfort her and she would be ok. Now she just goes into a panic attack like state and I can’t calm her down. So I took her back to the Dr and am going to have her evaluated for an auditory processing issue. So hopefully your issue is not as complicated as mine, but be aware that there could be an actual problem. You should talk to your pediatrician if you are concerned or it gets worse. I hope this helps.

Thanks everyone for your replies. I’ll wait and see if it’s just a phase. Hopefully it is. If it gets any worse, I’ll probably get her checked. It’s not worrying at the moment, I’m just wondering why she does that. I’ll wait and see.

The irony of it is that she’s quite noisy herself!!!

Our daughter used to be frightened of sudden noises. We’d have to warn her about noises about to happen. She’d cry if we suddenly called loudly for someone upstairs but forgotten to warn her. We never found out for sure why she was that way. Thankfully, she has, for the most part, outgrown that.

Well, tolerance differs among babies and what works for one might not work for you so I think that you have to try things out. I think that the best thing to do is, from now, avoid keeping too much silent while the baby is sleeping. It really could just be what she grew up with so sudden noise, can really take its toll. And I am telling you, if you do not find a way to remedy that problem, you are going to suffer in the long run. It is sometimes good just to let them experience what it is really like.

It can be a disorder for some children (autistic), but if she is having no other problems some children just go through a phase. If you are noticing several unusual things, or if the problem is severe you should talk to your doctor.

I would like to give you guys an update on my 3 year old daughter. We finally got to see the specialist 2 days ago, and he tested her and said that she has Sensory Integration Disorder I think it’s also known as Sensory Processing Disorder. He said her brain was wired differently than a normal child and that consequently noise seems louder and bothers her more. We are going to start occupational therapy in 2 weeks to help us cope. In the mean time he told me to read “The Out of Sync Child” by Carol Stock Kranowitz to give me a better understanding of the disorder. I am also supposed to read a book called “The Out of Sync Child Has Fun” by the same author. It is the sequel and it teaches you different activities that parents of kids with Sensory Processing Disorder can do at home with their child. I have just order those books on amazon each one was less than $10. I also found and ordered Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Integration Issues for $10 which seemed to have good reviews.

If you are concerned but not sure if you should take your child to the doctor you could check out those books at your local library or buy them and read them. This could give you a better idea of what to look out for. If she has many of the symptoms then maybe you should talk to the pediatrician. If not and she grows out of it, then count your blessings.

I like this thread. I appreciate the suggestion of all the members. Thanks for sharing it with me.

:frowning: my grandson is autistic and now he is 8years old .Iam noticing that from about 2monthes ago he is covering his ears .He did not do it before is there any suggestions what to do .For smell he was very sensative because even water he smells and if he does not drink it when you pour it for him he smells it and refuse to take it.How can i help him /

Good thread. This thread contains couple of nice information. Thanks for sharing this thread with me.

Thanks all for the contributions. She seems to be able to tolerate things a bit better - still hates the vacuum cleaner though! I considered taking her to the doctors but I’m not sure anything will be done. It’s not severe and it really doesn’t affect her or our every day life. I’ll see how it goes.