Hyper-active baby? Anyone?

Hi, my second boy is now 18 months. :wacko:
And boy… he’s is really quite active, as compared to his brother when he was at that age, and it takes a toll on me and his granny who is the main caregiver.

How do you define a hyper-active baby?
Is there a need for medical concern? :unsure:

Well I had the same problem with my son, but he started being hyper at 4 months old just by moving his hands and feet really fast. And slowly I started seeing signs of ADHD, only because my brother had it, and a nephew also. He didn’t like to cuddle close much, loved being in his diaper only and doing something all the time. And later at age 8 we found out he had Autism (Asperburgers) along w/ADHD. I sort of knew something was up, but Docs don’t like to diagnose at to early of an age. Some kids are just hyper. But there are signs, actually many to look for. And reading about ADHD/Autism may help to either be aware to see if he may or may not have these things. My #1 clue was his hyperactivity at such a young age. #2 never wanting closes on. #3 Always getting hurt and many a times to the hospital when he became 3 up to til he was diagnosed and put on meds. #4 Not a good attention span for anything til meds. #5 just not understanding right from wrong til much older. And these are just a few signs. And this is him having very low level of Autism. But more ADHD than Autism. But I have worked with all different kinds of levels of Autism/ADHD at the School I worked at, and there are alot of different levels. And then some kids were just very active. Like my sisiters oldest, he is very active on the go all the time, but he has no signs, and will listen to you, And will sit still for movies. Also if ADHD/Autism runs in the family it is a good possibility to pass it from one generation to another. Now it is just how my son is and many many kids are never the exact same even if they have signs. As no child is the same as the next child. All are there own person. Please don’t be alarmed, just read about it and consult with your doc. Best of luck to you!!!

Hi, thanks for replying!!!

ADHA doesn’t run in my family nor my hubby’s. So, I’m really keeping my fingers cross. He behaves like a normal kid just that he has enormous strength and energy level as compared to his brother. His attention span is better now as compared than when he was alot younger. His favourite pastime is to run through the LR (and I really thank LR for inventing this software) and is able to complete 3 infant books with me.

But it’s really too early to tell, and I’ll definitely watch out for those signs.

Nice info eriksangel, good to know…
i’ll be passing that information on to a good friend. She and her husband suspect their 4 year old son may have adhd. As for my daughter, she’s a very active 9 mos baby and me and her dad get worn out lol. Friends+family comment on how busy and alert she is. I think she is just an active child, we dont have a family history of autism/ADD/ADHD and my mother tells me how I was the same way.
It’s wise to be on the lookout though because the earlier these are diagnosed the better.
Does your child also take short naps?

Dasia P- To answer your question= No he doesn’t take short naps, and hardly ever did. And now that he is 12, naps are out of the question…lol

He does have a hard time going to bed at night, to hyper most of the time. And we usually have to just let him fall asleep on his own. Forcing it only gets him more active, so a quiet darkened room w/only the hall light on helps him to know he isn’t alone. Though he is 12, it is sometimes like I am working with a 6 yr old. Especially with his emotions. Your best time to judge for ADHD is when they go to school, and seeing how well they listen to the teacher, and sit still when doing reading time, writing, or quiet time. If the teacher says he/she just won’t sit still, has to move or get up alot then that also is another sign. Good luck to all and thanks for your replies.