Huge Audio Collection-one day sale

I received an offer from the Homeschoolfreebieoftheday folks that I had to share!
11 entire audio collections for $11, only good through midnight of Oct. 11!
(Although you then have a year to download everything)

I haven’t listened yet, but it really is a massive collection, mixture of classics, radio programs of old, dramatizations, etc…


Yeah, thanks! I’m all over that!

Thanks so much. Looks awesome.

Oh wow! This is marvelous! Karma to you!
The american dollar is looking good today! I paid 11 cents too much! lol Still a bargain! :smiley:

i really wanted some audios , sadly i missed those :frowning: i saw their post early morning but then got busy with kids and forgot completely about them , till the following day .

The sale is Today (the 11th) until midnight! :slight_smile:

Happy 10/11 it says. How’d they know today is my birthday? :confused:


Turbo Booked & looking forward to enjoying for years to come

Thanks so much! Just got it:)

happy birthday Poker dad :slight_smile: just got them myself , thanks xx viv

Happy Birthday PokerDad!
Thanks Kerileanne :slight_smile:

What a puty, I missed the sale! 24 Hours Is really Much to short For a normal mom:-(( Let alone One with family visits

Can anyone tell me what the key words in the confirmation email are? I can’t find mine in the millions of emails! Help! I know I got sent a one time only link…which I didn’t use as I was on the iPad ( never a good idea to put things only on an iPad) now I can’t find it and need some search terms. Thanks :slight_smile:

Homeschool Radio Shows.

Welcome to Membership site

Hi Sonya,

Thanks for joining us.

We have created your membership account successfully.

You can login at:

This is the only email I have from them. After the link is your login info. I think we became members when we purchased.

I have saved all the emails from them on my hard drive. I will dig through them tomorrow and forward them to you :slight_smile:

Thank you ladies! Will search through it over the weekend. I want to download the entire lot in one weekend. I know if I don’t get it done I will forget about it. And if I get it done we can start listening to some more stories now! Probably take me all weekend!