H's Bolivia video

Here is a basic video about Bolivia for kids, created by five-year-old H., with a little help from me. H. decided on and wrote all the sentences, chose all the pictures, and more, while I instructed him on how to use PowerPoint and Google Image Search, and gave topics (basically, an outline to follow) and edits to sentences. We used a “True Book” about Bolivia as a reference. The assignment taught H. about geography and computers, and let him practice typing.


Excellent idea for a project!
Me and my kids enjoyed the video!
Tell H. we want more!

Yay! Brilliant!! Nice work, guys :slight_smile:

Wow, this is great. You had mentioned the idea of having him construct his own presentations and it looks like it’s working well; look at how many skills he’s working on in developing this presentation (sentence construction, organizing and synthesizing information, reading (voice over), computer skills, research skills, etc etc) plus when you articulate information you reinforce it. I’m sure we’ve all had that experience where once we have to actually teach something, it causes us to learn it deeper (so using depth of processing too!)

Make sure you pass on to H that his hard work showed in this presentation. I enjoyed it!

Thanks! Karma

Great work!!!
Please make some more. :slight_smile:

What a rock star he is for making such an awesome presentation! Wowee I am impressed and proud! Great Job H. :slight_smile: Two thumbs way up!

Thanks for your feedback, everyone! H. is tickled, and now he’s motivated to do another one.

Very Cute!

HI DD Long Time without talking to you!
I’m glad to see you guys are doing great.

Question I understand you did the basic layout for this video
in power point, but what software did you use to put it in a video?

thanks for your reply


Hi Gloria, nice to talk to you. H. has been fiddling with PowerPoint for a long time, but this is one of his first actual presentations in it. Up until lately he’s just been making nonsense slides and fiddling with settings. Anyway, after we made it, we used Camtasia Studio to make a video of the ppt. It’s not cheap, and requires a fast computer, but it’s great!

Thanks a lot ! I know the program I used before, indeed is expensive but good for this purpose.

Hope everything is going great with your and your projects

Talk to you soon


I love your videos. There is so much to learn from them. H did an excellent job with the presentation and the narration! Very impressive. :yes: I wonder, do you have the presentations anywhere where they can be printed?

Btw, we also love readingbear. I put it on the “Can you say this?” setting for the first time today and my son actually said a few of the words. This is very unusual for him since he usually doesn’t like to answer questions. He seemed to enjoy it. He has learned a lot of vocabulary too. Thank you!!!

Thank you for the feedback!

Awesome, thank you for sharing!