How will my kid love varieties of book not whta she does like

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Guys!!! good evening… :wink: my daughter angela loves books so much…i bought a lots of kinds… but we always read the books she just like everuday… every night… i wanted here to learn some other topics too, please give advice…on how to handle her…she loves DINOSAURS… she even knew what were the different kinds of dinosaurs now… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: but as i mom i want something new for her… :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I know exactly what you mean! Felicity often insists on reading the same book every night too! We often have to come up with creative excuses to read another book after the same one’s been read many times! You know how kids are, it’s always “AGAIN!”

Some ‘tricks’ we use are:

  1. After allowing her to read the same book again, we make her promise that the next time it will be a different book

  2. Giving her a choice: Book A, Book B (both are new books), or straight to bed


thanks for a good insights… i was wandering are you an architect? :slight_smile: if you are… we are in the same field… are you still active, … :biggrin:

I would just love it if Sophia was interested in being read not just turning the pages and trying to eat the book.

Is there a way I can start getting her interested in being read to, or should i continue to let her turn the pages and eat the book until she shows ‘signs’ of being interested in taking it further?

She loves YBCR and Little Reader. So am I being worried about nothing?


Hi Kimba
I feel you should just relax,
My daughter did the same, each time she would have a book in a her hand. They normally like to do it probally i guess because they feel in control.

Normaly what i do is,
First, i just try to see, if she can give me control in turning the pages, if not then
I let her turn the pages and as she turn the pages, i just tell her what’s on the page quickly. I’ll never sit to read, just point at pictures on the pages, sometimes i’ll just put a little pressure on the page till i am done, before she quickly moves to the next page.

But if she just wants to turn page as a fun game, then i will just sit next her and let her take the lead to turn the page, as she quickly turns the page, I’ll talk to her about how many pages she turned, hence this way we are having some fun with counting pages.
When i start counting pages she turned, she would just repeat numbers after me and hence making this session joyful and enjoyable.

I guess, whatever you do with your child even if its for short intervals or just few mintues a day, just make that time fun and relaxing, let them always take the lead, as children they would love to play or listen to you when you are relaxed and enjoying with them.

Kimba, my daughter was also like this (particularly around 7-8 months of age) I also did what Judy did and just told the story to her as she turned the pages. The idea is to get them interested in books and she does sound like she is interested - just perhaps not yet as interested in the story. Its a developmental thing, so keep letting her turn pages and eat books.

If she’s interested in Little Reader then she’s already seeing plenty of words - let her explore the books in her way for now.


No, no… not a real architect. More like an architect of what we do here at BrillKids! :wink:
(Fans of The Matrix may also recognize the name reference… :slight_smile: )

My kids all went through stages of liking one or a few books ONLY. I would get very bored with the book, but read it over for 200 times. 8) In time it passed, so … it came to pass… :smiley: It was great once they were reading, as they could read it themselves. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, Kimba,your little one is still small. If she does YBCR and LR, she is learning. :slight_smile:

Thankyou ladies and gentleman,

Sometimes its just so hard. Especially when your on here and you hear (well what it feels like) every one else’s child loves to to be read to just not yours. Thank you for all your wonderful advice i will calm down and relax and eventually im sure she will like to be read to.

Thank you once again

I have older kids and I have a variety of books for them to choose from, but they arent interested in most of them. MY 9 year old boy only reads RL Stine Goosebump books and Andy Griffiths “Just” range (just disgusting/tricking/stupid). I cant seem to get them out of their ruts, but I guess I should be happy they are reading SOMETHING!! My 13 y-o girl asked for Virginia Andrews (flowers in the attic etc) so I bought lots of those. Dont think she’s read them yet. But she loves Lemony Snicket’s unfortunate events, and after seeing the movie Twilight, wants to read that series. They love Harry Potter movies, but none will read the books!! My 12 year old liked the Saddle-club and babysitter club type shows, but wont read the books. Helps if you can not have a TV, so they only get books as a choice, but life isntlike that is it? Just be happy if they read anything!!! What I do is let them read in bed after “bedtime”, even on a school night. So they will read, they have no choice if they dont yet want to sleep!

But it’s not all bad. My 9 y-o son is now writing his own series called “Shivers”, and is up to Volume 5. Now I noticed there’s a writing competition going, so I’m going to get him to edit, revise, correct spelling and grammar etc, his volume 5 and enter it in the short story comp. And he also illustrates these books. It was his own idea to do all this. And when he sits down to write he writes HEAPS!