How to you teach emotional intelligence?

My son is really scared of been alone, and it seems to get worse and worse. He’s almost 4. Sometimes all I do is step into another room to trigger an emotional breakdown from him. I just can’t figure it out. I stayed home the first 2 years of his life, breastfed past 2 years, and I’m currently working from home (part-time). He has a little sister who’s almost 1, and he absolutely adores her (no jealousy issues as far as I can tell). He watches at most 1 episode of Thomas or Diego.

We talk about how powerful God is and how much God loves him and watches over him. We pray together for God to give him courage. But he still wakes up wailing when he can’t find us. What can be causing this? :frowning:

What i think is that, with the passage of time the child will himself learn to tackle emotions.

Further, when he will start going to school he will learn, himself.

Probably he/she is the only child you have and only child usually an over proteccted child.

…So be a happy MoM and with the passage of time he himself will learn it.

Children are best psychologists around. It seems to me he might be doing it to get attention. Just don’t make a big deal about it any longer. You’ve prayed for him/with him, explained, etc. He knows. Next time/times he wails,… tell him firmly he needs to stop/it’s enough and drop the subject. He will stop if you stop encouraging him to continue.
Children don’t tend to outgrow things if we don’t guide them.


The case the child is annoyed or said or is facing any other psychological problem, the best way is to immediately divert the attention of the child to some of his/her other favourite thing. Suppose the child wants to want a TV but nothing good programme is there for him/her at that point of time, then imediatley the parents should try to divert his attention to some other of his favourate thing, it may be any toy or brillkids programme or any other think. In such manner, he will learn to divert his attention from bad mood to good mood or from stress to destress.

Thanks everyone. I did some more research and found that 4-yr old boys do tend to get very anxious when alone. Has anyone else experienced this?