How to use LR and LM as a second language tool?

I would like to buy the LR and LM for my 10 month old baby.Her mother tongue is german.
I would like to use it as a second language tool.
I do not know, how to use the whole LR and LM program with her (teach the phonemes.)
How do you use LR as a second language toll?
Is this possible that they learn to read in a foreign language
before it has learned in their mother tongue ?
Thanks for your answer!

Hi Sidonia,

I would recommend you don’t look at it as a second language. When they are so young, there is not much difference to them. When they are born, every language is foreign, or every language is native, depending on how you see it. They start to be able to wire their brains according to the primary language from around 7-8 months if I remember correctly, so at 10 months it’s still a good time to introduce new languages as ‘native’ languages. English will simply be ‘another language’, and she would learn it pretty much the same way.

Hi Sidonia,
We are folowing LR curriculum. We are doing it for about 3 months now /10-15 min daily/ he is actively asking for it and it is still holding his attention. Most of the time he remains silent during sessions, but I am convinced he must have learned some words from it. He recently pointed to baloon and said „baloon“ or started to crawl and said „crawl.“ Both of the words did not turn up in our books or TV shows previously.
As I am not an english native speaker /with no native spaker around/, my principal problem is how to give him sufficient exposure of the new language in the native spoken, foreign accent free form.
Can somebody give advise on:
How many minutes per day of new language exposure is recomended? What portion of that could be done by not native speaker avoid the risk of passing the wrong accent to the child?

Monika, as far as more native exposure what about buying videos (like disney movies) in english and then instead of watching movies in your native language you can do that. I have some friends who do that with french or spanish as most disney movies can be played in multiple languages.

Hi Linzy,

thanks, exactly, that´s what we are doing as well. We watch english interactive DVD´s for about 30min daily /Šimon would not mind watching more, but I am not sure, if this wouldn´t be too much TV for 1,5 year old/. We also listen to english music for approx. another 30min and follow LR for 15min. Rest of the time /reading books and speaking to him/ is done with accent.
Is that enough? I would like to introduce another language at some stage, but I need to make sure that what I am doing is right.

I think that is great. Maybe you can find a local mom in your area that speaks english in your area. and have a english speaking playgroup?

Hi girls :), hi Monika

I don’t think you should worry about the accent. If the baby listens the correct forms as well he will figure it out and pick up the right one. If you would start after 3rd year there would be "chance"they pick up some accent. Just make sure they have plenty of proper accent during the day.
Teach them music,usually people with good “ear” easily pick up the right accent. When I lived in the UK people could not say I was not British.

Yes, Linzy that would be the best. For the moment it does not look we will find a native speaker, but I would be keen to do it anyway. We sort of gave it a short trial recently - we had about four sessions (us plus another 3 baby-friends and relatives), it was spontaneous and a bit chaotic :laugh: I have realized, that to make playgroup worthwile, we need to get much better prepared.
I would apreciate any suggestions and ideas about how to run a productive and fun playgroup.

I have the same question…LR for second language…but what if i try chineese in their new curriculum and my daughter would be 14 months starting…is that too late to bother with the “wiring” already in place?