How to use brillkids if Spanish is my mother tongue?

Hi, my name is Zamna. I’m a happy mother of one toddler 2 1/2 years old and a baby of 8 months old! I live in England but I speak spanish with my kids. My husband is russian and he speaks russian as well with them. My husband and I speak french, but we decided that we are not going to speak french to our kids , because I read that a kid links the lenguage with a direct person. So, now I’, very excited to have brillkids for My big nig question is:

  • Is ok if I teach to read english through the little reding to my kids? are they going to mix the two languages? 'should I change the whole content of the lessons in spanish/russian???
    Thank you in advance for your kind advice

Hi Zamna,

Welcome to BrillKids :slight_smile:
Do you want your children to learn English? If so I would start teaching them with LR. The sooner you start teaching a language the better for the child. There have been many studies done that prove babies who are learning multiple languages simultaneously do not get confused. In fact they learning the languages at the same time are easier for both the baby and the parents. There will be some mixing of the languages but it is only temporary and will not last.

It is completely up to you and what you are comfortable with. You can try the lessons and see how your kids react and go from there. My son loves learning Spanish, Mandarin and Hindi. English is his primary language.

I look forward to hearing about your experiences with LR.


Welcome to the Forum, Zamna!

Babies are linguistic geniuses and they have no problem learning a few different languages at the same time, in fact early childhood is the best time to learn languages. You have a rich heritage – knowing all those languages, and I don’t see the need to hold back with introducing them to your baby and toddler.

My own children are exposed to 4 different languages, they both had no problem with speech or mixing the languages, in fact they both were very early talkers and are very comfortable around people of different nationalities. Their vocabulary is very advanced, which I attribute at large to using Little Reader and other early learning tools.

In fact, Glenn Doman, suggested to expose young children to multiple languages to help them to form neuro-connections specific to learning those languages. Then later in life ( even if they do not use given language a lot in their childhood) if they would decide to learn it, it will be much easier for them.

Little Reader is an excellent resource, we use it a lot. Apart from curriculum, you can also check a free download section for additional Little reader lessons.

You can find it here:

English lessons by category –
Lessons on other languages –

Looking forward to hear from you how it is going!

Thanks two both! It was really useful to know all your experience! I was asking all these because a friend of mine she’s Colombian and she has two kids living here in UK. But even if she talks to them in spanish the little one refuses to speak spanish and she always reply in english! So I wouldn’t like that my kids talk to me in english or mix the language on the sentences ( after all, they are going to be at the school and speak english with theirs teachers and friends later on).

What is the best way to expose them to different languages for us as a mexican and russian parents, who sepak french, but leave in UK???

If there are some parents on the same situation, or that have the a lot of lessons in Spanish, russian I would like to know :slight_smile: Thank you so much!!!


well I have no IDEA about sooo many languajes at the same time, but I did want to sare with you a couple of links that might help you with the spanish leaning to read and math, they are free, but I have found the the reading one, has a error on the firsht word in each presentation… I swich the audio of, and just read them the words I see.

It is all Doman, and I will save you the truble of having to transelate.

Thanks for the links! Very useful :slight_smile: