How to train my daughter to brush her teeth?

Hi. My daughter is 2 years old. Someone please suggest a way t o train her brush her teeth. And which is the best age to take the child to a dentist? I am planning to take her to a dentist in Oakville, Dr. Stephen Phelan. Is this the right age to take the child to a dentist. Please suggest.

I think two is a fine age to take a child to the dentist. I let my kids brush their teeth however they like to give them practice. You can have them pretend their teeth are tracks and their brush is a train. I always brush their teeth afterwards though. One way I got them willing to let me brush their teeth is by giving them my tooth brush and asking them to brush my teeth while I brush theirs. This is great fun for them. Not so fun for me, but it’s worth it because I know they are getting their teeth clean and there is no resistance. After a while I don’t need to do this. They become used to getting their teeth brushed. Every once in a while I still have to let them brush my teeth, but more often than not they just let me do it now. Just as important as brushing I think is to limit as much as possible anything with sugar.

I totally agree with you. My one year old daughter brushes her tiny little teeth every night as her daddy and I do at a certain time and place before going to bed . Although she can not do the same she will get used to doing it every night.Then she has got enough time to learn it perfectly. :wink: h

May years ago, my kids learned a fun rhyme at preschool:

Take care of your teeth
And treat them right
Brush them in the morning and night
Then at the dentist you can say
I brush my teeth 2 times a day

It helped my kids visualize the goal and take pride in good brushing habits.

It is essential for every parents to teach their kids the importance of oral hygiene routine to protect their oral health. The Dental health specialists in Oris Dental Centre would like to share an important thing regarding kids dental hygiene. Fluoride toothpastes are essential for effective cleaning of our teeth. But in case of kids and children, use minimum amount of fluoride tocuase thids health.

To know more about Pediatric dentistry, Visit:

Oh I agree with you, good advice

As a Pediatric Dentist, I agree with the points stated above. Children are not aware of the things which are good and bad for their health. Dental health is not an exception. Hence parents should take care of the kids to preserve the oral health. Similarly. milk teeth plays an important role in the eruption of permanent teeth. Hence it is important to properly brush your kids to protect their teeth from infections.

Teach your kids the importance of brushing to maintain their oral health. It will stimulate their interest in brushing and they will begin to brush themselves. Now, your work of teaching them to brush is very easy. To know the important things to maintain your oral hygiene, Read this.