How to train baby for toilet or potty

Hi! everyone
My son is 18 months old and i want to know how to teach my baby to tell for toilet or potty. i told him so many times to use toilets but it doesn’t work…please help me.

Hello, try to let him to wear understand instead of diaper, let him get used to it.
Give him some reward when he can go to toliet for wee wee or poo poo, like some sticker reward, etc.

They get the bladder control only from 18 months onward…So until then even if they understand, they may not be able to hold it. Perhaps now that he is 18 months, he may start responding to you. My son is the same age now and we have been telling him to go to the bathroom when he wants to go. A couple of days back he announced that he wants to go potty and used the toilet. Other times, accidents happen (though he understands he should not be doing that). I guess it will take a little more time…

Every child is going to respond differently. My opinion is that the longer you wait before introducing your child to the potty the more “foreign” it will be to the child and the more resistance you may encounter. I started putting my daughter on the potty when she was 3 months old, not all the time, just when it seemed most likely that she needed to go, and with no pressure to not go in her diaper. At 16 months I put her in training pants instead of diapers. She had good bowel control and only pooped in the potty, but it did take us a few days in pants for her to learn to control her bladder and let me know in time to get her to the potty. She is 18 months now and still has a few times she doesn’t quite make it to the potty and her training pants will be a little wet, but she will get most of it into the potty. She is clearly uncomfortable when she pees in her pants. My daughter doesn’t like to be messy - if her hands are dirty she will insist on them getting cleaned as soon as she notices the dirt. I think that trait has helped her learn to control her bladder because she doesn’t like that wet feeling. Also, my next baby is due any day now, so was on a mission to get my first one out of diapers before I have a second one in diapers. I may have given her a few more months if I wasn’t under that timeline. I’m sure there are children who don’t mind feeling wet and if that is the case my approach may not work. Also, I think it makes a difference how well your child can communicate. It is much easier if your child can communicate well enough to be clear about needing to use the potty. With my next child I am also going to start putting her on the potty as soon she can sit up, just to get used to what she is supposed to do on it. I’m also going to try to put the little one of the potty when her big sister sits on the potty - give her that positive example. All the best!