How to teach your baby to read two languages

My wife is irish and I am spanish and we both want to teach our 15 months baby how to read in both languages. Any suggestion?

If you do LR with the child, stick to the language you teach. I suppose you speak to her/him in two languages already. Could be confusing if your wife puts on Spanish files unless you recorded them and really don’t have the time.
One thing my hubby and I do is not show the same sets on the same days/weeks i.e. I do animals in Russian, he does transport in Hungarian and switch sometimes later.
hope it helps :slight_smile:

Thanks. Of course it helps.

I speak Spanish to her all the time and my wife just English

If you’re using Little Reader LITE (which is free), you can simply translate everything into Spanish. If you’re using HOME BASIC, there are many Spanish (and of course English) files in the download section.

thanks! My query is, we will use the same procedure for english and spanish “every day”?

I do it everyday sometimes
I teach him pour language english AND arabic…hes well accustomed to the words,
like when i show a picture of strawberry for him from an English book he says “stawberry” but if i show it in his arabic alphabet book he says “farawalatun” and if i show pictures random he chose which ever language he wants like once he may say stawberry o he may say farawalatun…
like spoon even…i guess its just matter or repetition be it in the same day or separate?

BUT i ind it difficult communicatin to him in any other language than my own!!!however i try i just forget speakin to him in english!!! any help with tht|?