How to teach phone numbers and address to kids?

Hi all,

I want to teach my nephew home, office phone number and cell number too. Also, I want to teach home address. Are there any method where I can teach them phone numbers and address? If there’s a song to teach, could you please send me the sample of the song? I would be glad, if anyone could help me. Thanks in advance.

That’s a good thaught.
Infact, the way you teach them whose is mom, dad , milk etc… in the same way you an teach your phone numbers and address. You can do it the Glen’s Doman method.

Teaching addresses
You can teach addresses to your child in the form of sentences. Just like how you would teach any sentences using the Glen’s method/program.

  1. First I would show the picture of the home.(just like one of the BIT Cards).
    The picture of the home shown should be the same home for which you would want teach the child address, so that later the child can relate to the right home and address.

  2. Then teach the word “home” so your nephew can relate the picture of the home to the word “home”.

  3. Once he knows what is a home, you can then introduce couplet words like
    “Mommy Daddy’s home”
    “uncle Glen home”
    “aunty Lucy home”
    By doing this the child can understand whose home it is. But make sure before introducing couplets, the child should know the word mommy, daddy, aunty… In short the child should be familiar with both the words seperately before introducing it them together

  4. Then you can graduate by using short sentences like
    "The color of “Mommy’s home is brown”
    “Mommy and Daddy live in house number 112”
    "Mommy and Daddy lives at intersection brook drive and foxwood
    “Mommy and Daddy lives at street number 21”
    and soo on…
    In this way you can interchange the name “Mommy and Daddy” to aunty Lucy or uncle Glen eg “The color of aunty Lucy’s home is brown”

Hence in this way you can teach your nephew anyone’s address eg school address, office address etc…

Teaching Phone Numbers
Incase of phone numbers, you can again teach it the Glen Doman’s way

  1. First show the picture of a phone using the BIT Card

  2. Then, show the word card “phone”

  3. Then you can go ahead and introduce couplets words like this is “Mama’s Phone” , “Dada’s phone” . Use the name of you family members that you want your nephew to learn the numbers for

  4. Then introduce the each phone number seperately to your child in the form dot cards,

  5. Then gradually use numerals and dots together to show its relation

  6. then, show the whole number together and say this is “Mama’s phone number”
    You also be specific by saying “This is Mama’s office phone number”

  7. To be more creative, you can get into showing your nephew short sentences on phone numbers
    Eg. "Mama’s home phone number is
    Since your child is familiar with all the words in the above sentences, he now understands the relation of all the words together.

Funny you should say this. We just repeat it to him, telling him, “Say .” He’s game to repeat it back. Repeat until he can tell you the address and phone number after just being asked, “What’s your address?” It’s as simple as that, if he’s ready. This is very easy if the child is already memorizing things like nursery rhymes.

They really don’t need to understand it just say it when asked. I think making it more complicated would confuse them.

I have been trying to teach my son the phone numbers and address too. He could tell the address in part and his school name fully. But we are still working on the phone number :slight_smile:

Dear All,

These are all great methods for teaching very essential information to your child/ren.


I agree with just getting him to repeat it. I’m thinking of just doing cards with the address and phone number on it. We are moving next week so I’m not sure of either of those so I have been putting it off.

My son surprised me by knowing how to spell our last name. This was months ago, long before we really started actively learning things. Our name is difficult and I always have to spell it and one day I heard him spelling it. I don’t think he knew what he was spelling but he sure knew how to spell it.

Yesterday he learned to spell Mississippi because he thought it sounded cool and kept asking me to say it.

Addresses and phone numbers are definitely important things to teach.

I finally made a presentation on our address and phone number. I just put pictures of us and then “Daddy’s phone number is:” He watched it once and we talked about it a few times today. He remembers our street name and my cell phone number, which I was happy with.

I would try to invent a music and sing it to him/her. I think that using songs kids learn faster. Examples: 37712233 that is the number of mommy. Or try to match each number with words and create a music out of it.


I saw in a magazine a parent wrote out the address/ phone # and put it on the back of the driver seat of the car, in front of the car seat. I thought it was a novel idea to present information. I don’t know how comfortable I’d feel with my address & phone # on the seat of my car, I’d have to take it down every time. She also used it to help him learn money and coins, clock time, and planets.
