How to teach kids to play matching games?

I think my boy may be ready to try a matching game, but I don’t know how to teach him to do it.

Any step-by-step suggestions?



I started when my baby was your son’s age. I would take two different cards, tell her: this one is a dog (flip it over) and this one is a tree (flip it over), then ask her where the dog was. I noticed she would be picking them following the same pattern (only the cards on the right, or only the cards on top) Wasn’t very successful overall.

These days, I lay down 6 cards (see the attached document), give her one and ask her to find it and to pu it on top of the corresponding card. The first time she would point at any card without even looking (:confused: ) I tried again that same day and she very happily matched them all.
I try not to do this activity too often though, as I think they lose interest.
With the document I attached, you can try with the first set, then the second set a few days later, and finally the last set.

If you try on this bear matching game, let me know if your son tends to mismatch the ovals and the circles like my daughter :slight_smile:

That’s very cute print out!
I saved it to my computer and will definetely play with my DD when she will be old enough!
Karma to you, hypatia!

Thanks! I saved it too! We’ve been watching the Monki See Monki Do Shapes dvd lately and I’ve been looking for shape ideas.

Another thing I may do is buy some cheap little matchbox cars from our 2nd hand store and paint a little shape on the roof of each car. Then, just like daddy has to do at work, my son can drive (match) the car to it’s parking stall (a paper with stalls marked with the different shapes)…I suppose if this works we could change it to colours and numbers later…

Thanks hypatia,
What a cute form of starting. I had problems at first with this game but now my grandson is old enough an he got the message. I miss nor having your idea before.

Great topic mom2ross! We were watching a Brainy Baby DVD from the library and I noticed that my baby is confused about matching and here is the topic just for us! Thank you very much for your attachment hypatia. Love it!