How to teach different countries?

I saw the videos of 2 year old kid, shows any country on the map if anyone asked to show. Does anyone know how to teach countries to kids (2-3 year old) and how do they memorize and remember? I would be glad, if anyone could help me.

I’m guessing that’s Daddude showing the US states. Perhaps he’ll chime in.

There are so many different ways you could teach it. It’s basically showing the countries on the map and associating it by sound (when you say the country name), and/or by sight (when you show the word of that country).

You could do this using tools like Powerpoint, Little Reader, or just a plain old map. Check out the file downloads section under Geography, there may be some relevant files there. I think there are at least some Little Reader ones I remember being created by others.

Heres my son currently 2 as of Sept. doing geography…

I taught him by doing the following:

  1. Did bit cards with him for about 3 months of all the countries. For bits I did the following categories
    Continents- Capital Cities- Common Dress- Countries - Flags
  2. We did music appreciation from about 30 countries So I would be sure to mention the country of where the music style was from
  3. I Hung a map of the world in his room and I would study it then he would ask me what I was looking at.
  4. I gave him a globe for his toy box
  5. I downloaded a couple geography songs for the car
  6. I placed an atlas book on the family coffee table.
    7 Everytime family members went away we would look it up on the map
    8 I would interlink stories with countries and really point it out… For example Peter the wolf is from Russia…

Hope that helps

Kind Regards,

MQ… going to try to post the video it might be too large…

Excellent information! I am also trying to teach my dd to learn geography like the little girl (Lily) on the video. We have just started with Continents and Countries.

we’ve also found that a globe is a great teaching tool for our 3 yo, he loves finding the countries we call out as he spins the globe. also, we have a placemat that maps the countries of the world which has proved to be another great way to expose our child to countries…we have great chats about the world while having meals!