how to teach counting down??

My Child who is 25 months old knows how to count to 20 but how can i teach him to count down other that counting together ??
any advice ???
thank you

I used number mats. I let Ella jump on the numbers from 20 to 1 while counting backwards. You can make your own like TmT did:

or you can buy one:;jsessionid=N9dH2w5jnd9B1fdFy5JmRt855GhTGjrn414rWj2tLLprzvp61dBK!1403828257!49112879?productItemID=1%2C689%2C949%2C371%2C898%2C313&ASSORTMENT<>ast_id=1408474395181113&bmUID=1308433735122

You can also use it for teaching “counting on.”

Great i will try that.
Thank you aangeles

we made a game out of the microwave.

Put it on for 10 seconds and count backwards or however long you desire. It’s a little hard at first in the big numbers so we used skip counting