How to teach baby to hold bottle?

Hi ,

My baby never likes to hold his bottle.
He wants me to always hold his bottle when he is drinking mild.
Please advise how should i teach my baby to hold his own bottle.


For absolutely ages my son refused to hold his own bottle or cup, then one day he just decided he would.

How old is your baby? If he’s still small, try propping him on a cushion so that he is laying back a little and only needs to prop up the bottle a bit, praise him when he manages. He should get the idea soon enough. With my 12 month old, I simply told him he was a big boy and could hold it perfectly well on his own and refused to pander to him and used lots of praise and encouragement - he got the idea eventually!

My baby is 6 month old.
I always appreciate when he holds the bottle wven for 5 seconds.
Lets see…
May be i have to be bit patient and wait .

Thanks for your suggestion