how to teach 8 month old with hearing problems

How do you teach an 8 month old with hearing problems? My girl has glue ear, and it seems to be an ongoing problem only just picked up by the doctor. She will probably have to have grommets put in her ears down the track to drain the fluid building up behind her eardrum that isnt draining through her eustachian tube.

She doesnt respond when I call her name anymore. Previously when I have tried LR she turns her head away from the screen. She doesnt with LM. I now think she was trying to hear the words so turning an ear towards the computer…
Still, I feel she hasnt been learning much. Same with educational dvds. Not interested.

How does teaching sign language work with a hard-of-hearing child? Sign language videos are designed for hearing children!! How can I teach her to read, do maths, EK etc if she cant really hear???

You can still watch the signing DVDs and learn the signs yourself. Or get your older kids to help learn and teach her signs. It’s quite simple to teach signs after you learn them. You just have to show an item or whatever and then show the sign.