how to start teaching my 1.7 yr old kid

hi guys

iam a new member to this wonderful site. my daughter is 1.7 yr old. she already recognizes and speaks most of animals,birds,veg,fruits and action verbs. i have just started with alphabets and numbers with blocks.

do share your experiences in teaching these and also how do i make her start reading. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Well, you can’t make her do anything… lol But you can help her to start reading.
First hold off on the learning of the ABC’s at this age. It will only confuse her.
Programs like Brillkids, Your Baby Can Read, Monkisee, Love and Learn, are all excellent programs to utilize to teach your child to read.
Go to the library or purchase Glen Doman’s books , How to Teach Your Baby To Read. Even if you don’t use that particular method it will definitely give you the ground work into understanding what it is you are doing with your child.
Go to :

Hope that info helps.

Its true.

You can’t MAKE her learn anything, but you can help her!

You can start searching on Youtube for some sight word videos, make power point with one large word per slide and a little transition animation.

Put large labels around the house, check your library and interlibrary loan for some popular series like Your Baby Can Read, Monki See, Monki Do, and get the free trial of Little Reader.

<read the next line to the tune of “row, row, row your boat”>
Play, play, play, with words,
playing is so fun!
Make the learning like a game,
and the learning will get done!