how to start soroban?

I’m really curious how to start the Soroban method. I’ve been doing Doman with my son and I dont know if its a good idea or wouldn’t confuse him to start a different thing. I also don’t know how to do it. I’ve found Chris1 downloads (Thank you sooo much for that). but still question what to do with them. Show him a couple of times a day just like Doman math? When to move on to the next 10 number?
I really hope that somebody can help and would be appreciated.


you can learn more about soroban here
There was a handbook (free) as well but I am not able to find the link currently. Will post as soon as I find.

Thank you Lavs, I’ve found the handbook, started to read.

I know sells books and soroban but I don’t know that Soroban would be a good mix for a small child. I really want to learn Soroban myself and teach it, but I don’t think that I would introduce it until 4 or 5 years of age…

I think that Doman and Soroban simultaneously would cause a lot of confusion, this is just my thoughts I have no way to back it up…But it seems really odd, to teach XXX XXXX XX X = 10, and that one bead on the second bar equals ten at the same time…

I may be under estimating human babies, but I think that you’d be better off completing one program completely (or at least using 2 like-complementary programs) and solidifying that before you try something abstract like Soroban flash cards, the whole reason Doman advised Quantity cards was to avoid the Abstract symbols we call digits 0-9 from hindering the baby’s learning…

Thank you Mom2bee for your opinion. I’ve been searching for this method and reading for days now and it’s obvious that I have to learn it first. So I guess I have to wait to teach him anyways.
Thanks again,

We are just starting this now actually.

I think of it in the same fashion as teaching my children both written and spoken english, spanish, and ASL. I communicate interchangeably and they don’t get confused. Soroban is just another math “language.” Right now with my DD (25 months) we do LM flashing, JG hands ons, add/sub with props, youube videos 1-100,and we just started the Soroban power point presentations. For my son (just turned 12 months last week) we do LM, Meet the Numbers, physical counting with props 1-5, youube videos 1-100, and I am just now incorporating some double sided MTN & JG Matrix flash cards as well as the Soroban.

I still need to get a physical Soroban since this is brand new territory for us, I plan to buy a Pacchi because they’re relatively inexpensive, they’re simplified, but still go all the way from 1-999 with no decimals. Again, these are just alternate ways of communicating a different math language. I have zero concerns about confusion between the programs, with only slight concern over conveying the bead values. I think this will resolve itself though through repeated exposure to the slides and soroban. Additionally, I have no concerns that this will negatively impact their other math programs. And for this reason I deliberated a long time if I should start them on a typical “American” 100 bead, 10 row abacus first and transition to a Soroban, but I thought THAT might be more confusing. I would rather have them take longer to “get it” and practice on the real thing. After all, Japanese kids certainly start on a real one right from the start. I ultimately decided it’s like using modified baby signs versus ASL, let’s just cut to the chase.

If we thought about everything that went into learning music or a second language, we would be so discouraged we would never even try! And that is part of the reason we learn so much better when we’re young, we don’t have the worldly experience to over think it yet.

It only took viewing one demo to get the hang of the Soroban. Then close your eyes and imagine manipulating the beads, and you will begin to understand the power of having the “tool” with you always. I just looked this morning and they have one of the recommended books at my library. * The Japanese Abacus: It’s Use and Theory & * Introduction to the Soroban

Even if we are never pros at it, I think a basic understanding will only be beneficial.

Oh, and regarding the original question, I am showing one powerpoint a day and reading the quantity out loud to my kids since there is no voice over like LM. When we get to the end, I will probably start the cycle again and repeat a few times depending on their interest level.

Thank you “Teaching My Toddlers” Mom for your opinion. It’s so helpful for me to see different point of views. Like I said I need more edu for myself before I would start with my son, but that would be nice to hear about your experience with Soroban.
Thank you again

I just wrote some post on my blog about Soroban and how I started. Please check:

About ppt. abacus files. I show Eaton these files the same way I show him any lessons, twice a day for about 5 days and then move to another 10 numbers. He knows already 20 on abauc but it’s hard to catch it on a video:)


Thanks Marta
My son is pretty good with Doman- dots, actually really good I have to say. I just had an other proof: today he choose the right dot-card every time.
But I’m also doing Abacus just like you said, 2 times a day for 5 days and then the next 10 numbers. We are at 30 right now. After 50 I’m thinking to start to add the add 2 PPTs. What do you think?
Thanks for your comments.

I think I would follow Doman first. If you introduced Doman addition I would do addition on the abacus.
You are doing great job!

What is ppt. abacus file???
and does LM has Soroban slides in it???


Ppt. files are Power Point Presentations.
LM doesn’t have soroban slides, but you can find Power Points over here:;u=6459;pg=2

I thought that LR has some abacus files but now I can’t find them. Maybe I’m mistaken
