How to space children so that one can follow doman with each


I am curious if anyone here has had any experience with teaching Doman to several of their kids. If you have, then what did you find was best/easiest/most effective… teaching few children at the same time? or finishing the program with one child and then starting again with a newborn. I can’t imagine teaching few at the same time as one would destract another.

I would like to do the program with all my children…so far I only have one daughter 6 months :nowink: but I would like to have another baby soon and have three total. :biggrin:

But then, how long does it normally take people to finish the program? So far I am keen on teaching my daughter reading and math. Our pace is slow because I work full time. But I try to be consistent and show few cards then many. I would like to start EK after she is done with Math, otherwise, there is not enough time for us to do all. I will start working part-time after 2 years as my husband will become a doc.

When did you feel was the right time to have another child? My husband would like us to space the children 18months but I on the other hand, would like at least 30 months distance.

Thanksssssssss :clown:

Have you taken the seminars at the institute?

If you haven’t that will be the best way to start, there you will meet other moms that have very sucessfully raised up to 6 kids with the Doman method.


i feel that is too expensive… :confused:

in my husbands family Doman method was taught to most of the children, his siblings and nieces and nephews. Most of the children were 13-14 months apart, and it worked great.

I think the “spacing” will need to be left in God’s hands :smiley: Since you can do what you can do, and what are your preferences, but you can not really determine, when it happens, no matter what.

And it usually workes out what is best for you and your children, anyways

Well, for us we decided that at least 3 years was optimal. My son will be 3y5m when we have our next child. We decided this carefully. At this point he can independently take care of toileting needs, feed and clean up after himself, does many chores around the house (including emptying the dishwaster), read simple books, is starting to write and does simple math. My goal was to have him reading independently before we had another child and I think he will be there. This way we can focus on doman with the new baby and just continue with lots of reading and a more kindergarten like curriculum for the elder. We really fel like a new baby deserves a lot of attention until the basics are well established and for us this spacing works well. Another option of course is to have children very close together and have them learning things at the same time, but that just want’s for us. We are eventually thinking of having another child and it will likely be anothe 3 years down the road.

Ya having one at least 3 yrs old seems like a good idea. let me know how it works out. good luck. that is great though that your 3 year old is soo independent and reading and doing math. when did you start doman with him??? did you have to teach via phonics reading? i am also curious to know how much of doman are you planning to do with your second and third child? lastly, are you planning to send to school or homeschool. i am noticing many mothers here are doing homeschoooling. sorry for soo many questions. it is just great to see a mom that already has a 3 month old result from the doman program.

thanks much!

I think the spacing of children is very personal and I wouldn’t use being able to use Doman with each of them as a reason for deciding on spacing because there are other more important issue to take into account - the recovery of your body after the last pregnancy, the gap you and your husband want, sibling age gaps (there are pros and cons to both), how you will cope with two small ones or with a big gap where one child is very much at a different stage to the other, and of course in the end God decides because very often you cannot plan these things how you want to - some people fall pregnant by accident and others try for years to have a second child.

I wanted a smaller age gap than we will have - in fact we have not yet started trying for number two and I have been desperate to start trying for more than a year already. As for the doman issues - you cope. You do what you have to. My daughter has already been telling us she will read to her “baby sister” - she insists she’s having a baby sister not a brother. Maybe she will. You just never know. My twin brother and I were 2 years 10 months after my sister who was reading shortly before we were born - she taught us a LOT - in fact she used to run “school” for us and teach us things though she was only 7 and we were 4 years old.

I think no matter what the age gap you will cope and do the best for your children. As long as they are all loved, nothing else matters all that much.

Ariel, Well I hope it works out well. I think with the amount of work Doman takes and that we have been investing overall in early learning as well as other independence issues It would have been difficult if not impossible to keep up the same pace with two.

We have been doing Doman with him since birth. We started with the Physical program and added in the reading program at about 4 or 6 months. We were not very consistent with the reading program until between 12 and 18 months at which time he was able to recognize and read many words, we also did the math program with no tangible results and the encyclpedic knowledge program which worked great but I was unable to keep up the production fast enough.

After 18 months we were very busy with other activities and again became less consistent and he “forgot” or was unble to read many of the words he had known. When he became two we started working more on high volume reading (me to him) and adding phonics (Reading Eggs, Ordinary parents guide to teaching reading, and some of DadDudes Flesh cards to reinforce the rules) and sight words through the “meet the sight words” videos. Now he is able to read simple books from the library (mainly monosyllable words one or two sentences per a page). I hope to get him reading even more independently in the next few months.

As far as schooling, right now he is in a private Montessori school because my spouse and I both work. We hope to homeschool eventually. I am a physician so I take in more income than my husband, thus if one of us was to say home it would likely be him, and I am not sure if he would have the organizational skills to do so (he likes to get side tracked with projects all day long). However, we are also looking at some alernative schedules for me that might allow for me to do at least part if not all of the schooling. My son is just so precious to me I don’t want to entrust him to the school system, so I hope something works out.

As for our next baby I really hope to be more organized with the Doman system. Now that I have materials and everything from the first I hope it will go more smoothly. I also highly recomend the physically supurb program we only did a modified version of it, but my son was walking at 9 months, was downhill skiing blue square runs (with a waist harness)at 2y8m and can swim the length of the pool at 3y3m. It’s really great to be able to share things you love with your kids whether they are physical activities or favorite books or subjects. That is probably the most rewarding aspect fo the program to me.

Hope I answered your questions. I am obviously passionate about this subject and truly just want happy well adjusted kids that have the skills and ability to accomplish whatever they want.

thanks…i completely understand that there are factors C, D, X, Y, Z involved to any situation. but i narrowed it down to one factor because that is what concerns me the most…is early development! otherwise we have great family help.


linzy, thanks for the insight…i am passionate abt this subject as well. i want my kids to enjoy and develop a love for learning.

i am having problem with my daughter paying attention to the dots too… it is just soo difficult. even if your son forgot the words…would you say early reading development was helpful for him? i will stop asking more q.s after this one…for sure.