How to Read aloud when you are sick?

Due to some personal health problems, I don’t have the stamina or the voice to read aloud to my son on some days. My DH is mostly busy at work and I can’t ask for his help. So I need some ideas for the read aloud to happen religiously all days. I try to play audio books but my son is least interested in it. He usually prefers physical books to be opened and to be read. He also likes books in the ipad. So do you have any other suggestions.

You could try only using audio books for books that you actually have a hard copy of in front of you. Also, sing-a-long books where you can read the words of the song being played are a big hit around here. You could also use LR files or PowerPoint files with the voice already recorded. Also, the car or bedtime is a good time to play the audio books that he doesn’t seem interested in - he’ll probably surprise you later with how much he picked up.

On my Off days I read very simple books that the kids are very familiar with, that way they do ALOT of the actual reading. Nursery rhyme books are good as are fairy tales with repeated lines. Like " and I’ll huff, and i’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down"
I find the trick with the iPad and audio books is in how close you can be while doing it. Climb right into bed with them or snuggle close. Also audio books are only loved by kids who have something to look at too. So definately get the ones with a hard copy book too.
Don’t feel any guilt over missing a day hear and there, it’s easy to make up for it on your good days. Read through out the day and on your off days play a tweedlewink DVD before bed instead. We did reading first thing in the morning for about 2 years as that fitted better with our moods! lol