How to raise a rational child.

If you want your children to be intellectually honest you will need to help them learn to resist cognitive biases. Becoming more rational ourselves is probably a good place to start.

I hope that you find these videos useful-

Think Rationally via Bayes’ Rule


I’d be blunt: I am sorry, but I very much doubt a “tip to raise a rational kid” from a childless person. Theory is easy, practice is not. I’d say, eat your dog food first before offering it to others. You can theorize a lot of things, but when you have your own kid, your whole world is turned upside down and you’ll find much of your “theories” no longer work.

In my view, whether she has children or not is irrelevant so long as the advice is good. And in this case, I think the advice is good. Additionally, she isn’t saying how she raises kids. She’s saying how her dad raised her.

I tend to be a little more skeptical of parenting advice coming from people w/o children, so I see where you are coming from. But I also think it’s more important to evaluate the advice than the person.

If you want to have kids who use their brains effectively, you have to communicate with them rationally.