How to proceed with teaching your baby

what first step one should take to teach your child. Moral values, Alphabets, numericals, nursery rhymes or something else

Hey Aman

You should first start with pictures and simultaneously pictures of alphabets be also shown to them, so that they will start recognizing the alphabets. Further the pictures of differet shapes like circle, triangle etc. be also shown not only that different colours be also shown to them.


Well, I suppose that you (as the parent) need to decide what is most important.

For me, it’s important that my son have religious knowledge, so I try to make that a part of our daily life.

With that, we memorize scripture (literature) and read the Bible (reading) and do crafts related to the Bible story (art).

The point–you can tie many different subjects into one category.

Numbers are important and the alphabet is too, but start with what you’re most comfortable with. If you know nursery rhymes, start there–just start somewhere!!

Remember, this is all “extra” - it’s just icing on the cake. Food, water, clothing are necessary, and everything you do from there on you’re just helping and building on what you already have!

I don’t think there is a specific place to start since your baby began learning long before you decided to begin teaching - they pretty much start learning in the womb. If you want to start somewhere then start with whatever you will enjoy the most and whatever you think is most important so that your enthusiasm runs off on your baby and she/he finds it fun.

My own baby has been listening to a lullaby CD that I sang to her nearly every single night since she was born. While she gets other music too, she seems to like this one best. Just playing with her toys has taught her a lot too and I comment on the toys all the time and this way she has learnt her colours, various nursery rhymes and all sorts of things about life.

Since reading takes probably the most effort and needs to be “taught” it is probably the thing that most of your effort should get put into as most other things can be taught following on from reading - once they can read the world opens up to them.