How to potty train a boy


my boy is 18months… i try to bring him to toilet to pee but walks around in the toilet touching the things in there and do not want to pee… can anyone share your experience … thks.

I need to start this with my son too! One thing I did with my kids is ask them “Where does pee pee go?..In the potty!! Where does pooppy go?..In the potty!” And just tell them over and over at every opportunity

I give them a chance to answer and they do, they know the answer and it’s good reinforcement. If there’s a poopy accident once you start training, dump it from the diaper into the toilet and let them see you do it, once again reiterating “Where does poopy go?? In the potty!”

18 months seems kind of early to me.

Anyway, there’s a book that can help: “The Potty Book,” it comes in versions for boys and girls. Helped H. a lot.

Hi there.

I trained the girls simultaneously, at age 2 years 6 months, and was recommended this book by a friend who also had twins:

Although it is an intense combination of methods, I had double duty, and in my mind, it was either this method, which worked in 11 hours for us, or some undetermined amount of time for “training”. :nowink:

To prepare, I read the book 3 times, took a lot of notes, and even spoke with one of the authors, who advised me to be very well rested the night before, which I was.

I am certain it would be easier with one child and take about half the time. However, for me, it was well worth the preparation and intensity of the day, because this issue was a * major * concern for me for them to go to pre-school at age 3 years. And once the girls understood the concept and were successful (with some accidents, but very few), it made me realize that if I can potty train twins in 11 hours, I can do just about anything! :yes:

I love this! We always talk about how we don’t give babies enough credit, and sometimes I think that holds true for us as adults too. You’re 100% correct, if you can conquer PTíng twins in a day, you are totally super mom! Color me impressed! :biggrin:

Is it too early to train my kid at 18 mth ?

Do you let him wear traiing pants?

From when he was able to sit, I would put my son on the potty at change time, to give the association of potty and pee/poo and he even used it a lot of the time. Then one day he turned around and decided that he wouldn’t sit on the potty. It took months of persuasion, and now he will sit on his toilet seat for ages while I sing with him, but isn’t interested in actually doing anything.

I was hoping to have him out of nappies this summer, but he isn’t interested. I wouldn’t try forcing him (my cousin’s husband punished their son for having accidents and it took over 12 months for him to be properly trained) but encourage him to sit and play. Talk to him about using the toilet, encourage and if he does anything give LOTS of praise. If he doesn’t, don’t make a fuss. I usually say something like ‘You didn’t need to pee/poo? Oh well, try again next time!’

I think at 18m it isn’t likely that you can have success in a day, because they are still learning control and associating the sensation with the action. That said, I don’t believe it is impossible to train him now. Lots of time with no nappy and sitting on the loo/potty and lots of encouragement and he might just surprise you!

Well - apparently, training early can be done. “Children are typically ready between 15 to 27 months.”

Read more:

Hi all,
I’ll be looking at this thread with anticipation… been trying to potty train my DS (22 mo) for the past 2 months (although not consistently) to no avail… was feeling like a complete failure after a friend told me she managed to PT her DD in under a month!!!..

My DS refuses to sit in his potty unless his favourite dvd is on (YBCR) and does nothing in his potty… after half an hour of coaxing, rubbing his belly and making poopy noises( courtesy of mummy) he laughs and runs away… the minute I put his diapers back on, he gleefully screams “POOPY” and he poops and pees!!!.. This is soooooooooooo frustrating …(and expensive, cuz he’s allergic too all diaper brands except the most expensive brand) :frowning:

@TeachingMyToddlers: I have as of today started singing to him about “where the poopy and pee pee goes”…“In the potty”… We’ll see how it works… Thank you!

I thought we were having a bit of a breakthrough… I had Nikki with just pants on, and he started saying ‘toilet, toilet’ so we rushed to put him on the potty. He sat down (first time since February that he has actually sat on the potty) and I made a big fuss… he was up and down for a couple of minutes then crawled off. Two minutes later he was up on hands and feet, watching as he shouted ‘wee wee’ and peed on the floor :rolleyes:

At least he sat on the potty…

THANK YOU for the link Ayesha :smiley:

Until now, when my son had no nappy and peed on the floor, I just said ‘oh dear’ and wiped it up. Today I decided to give the technique in the article a go and said firmly ‘we pee in the potty’ when I wiped up the accidents. Well, I was feeling a little down this afternoon, since he would crawl off into his room and then come and tell me he’d peed on the floor, and started stubbornly answering that we pee on the floor if asked :ohmy:

Then, this evening we had a breakthrough - he pointed down and said he needed to go (rather than had just been) and I put him on the potty and he used it! Three times in ten minutes :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: then as soon as my back was turned, he peed on the floor again lol

I am optimistic that he’s at least getting the idea and maybe he’ll start cooperating tomorrow :yes:

And my son doesn’t technically qualify as ‘ready’ as he is still crawling and they say you should wait until they can walk, but he is also very aware of himself so I gave it a go. He still needs help getting onto the potty, but hopefully he’ll be walking soon and manage on his own. The independance of pottying without help might even be an incentive… or not :wub:

We have potty trained five boys. It’s funny how different kids are different. All mine would not pee on the floor if they had no diaper on. So I just let them run around with a long t-shirt on at home when I was training them. But, obviously, yours is different. One thing we would definitely do is have them help clean up. Plus we would place them in the tub and pour some unpleasantly cool water on them to get them cleaned up. Those two things together made it unpleasant for them if they peed anywhere other than the potty. Being only 18 months, I’m not sure that your boy is ready for that.

I would definitely recommend Potty Training in a Day book, too.

I like:

naked or underwear all day

tot sits on potty when mom goes potty or right after waking, eating, or before leaving the house

tot helps clean up (at this age they usually like to anyway), I’ve found with both kids for this to be very crucial for understanding

teach a potty sign

Its a interesting thread on potty training. This post is helpful for those moms who want to train his child for potty . Thanks for sharing it with me.

If they are old enough all that is required is the proper incentive. For my grandson if he wanted to graduate in school and stay with his friends, he had to go potty. Only took a day once he understood he would not be with his friends and would stay with the upcoming babies.

I tryed with my 16th month boy and it was terrible, he ended up hating the potty, the poor thing didn´t know exacly what was wanted from him, because I keap on putting and take off the dipper, if I were to do it all over again, i would have done it like I did after, just take of the dipper and put pottys any were he was going to be. you will have to moop up a fwe meses, but in a couple of day they get the idea, and jst start using it, with out you having to say anything.
one thing that did help me was: not to have any thing one him but a t-shirt, that makes it easy for them and you!!
hope it helped

I tryed with my 16th month boy and it was terrible, he ended up hating the potty, the poor thing didn´t know exacly what was wanted from him, because I keap on putting and take off the dipper, if I were to do it all over again, i would have done it like I did after, just take of the dipper and put pottys any were he was going to be. you will have to moop up a fwe meses, but in a couple of day they get the idea, and jst start using it, with out you having to say anything.
one thing that did help me was: not to have any thing one him but a t-shirt, that makes it easy for them and you!!
hope it helped

Dear msocorro,
I managed to PT my son in under a day, by letting him run around with only his t-shirt. It has been 2 weeks, with absolutely NO accidents in the house. I’m very happy! 1 question though, when can I start putting on his pants?.. I’m a little afraid he might not have enough time to pull it off and pee on time! Is there a time period before putting his pants on?
And another thing is that I still have not brought him out of the house without his diapers… any idea how I can start this?

I think our consistent schedule helped my son to get potty trained. I always sit him on his potty chair and, yes, in the beginning it took time and sometimes still nothing. But it definitely become part of our daily routine in the morning, before nap, after nap and before bedtime in the evening. I think he was about 2 years old. I still used diapers until summer came…and I just told him: You know, what? You don’t need diapers anymore. And I gave him his under wear We’d bought for him (with him) months before and I asked him many times a day and sat him on the potty chair many times and we actually never had accidents. I also followed his own schedule as far as pooping time ( he always did it in the morning, after breakfast) so it’s still potty time. Going out was easier than I thought. I simply forgot that he had no diaper on - good thing that it was a quick shopping. I was really happy that he made it and I tried to make a big deal about it (we told everybody what a big boy he is) and from that day I never put diaper on him. What I do is, to ask him to sit on the potty and pee before we go somewhere. It works for us.

I did modified EC with Zed, but my new kids all arrived much older and not potty trained. I used the suggestions in the book Diaper Free Before Three by Dr Jill Lekovic. I set up 3 (and later 4) potties in the bathroom, one for each of the kids and I took them all at once when I went. The newest is still not fully potty trained (31 months old) but he arrived very traumatically, and it seems that my house is much different than his last. I think his problems are more of adjustment than potty training technique.