I am sure most of you check Homeschool Freebie site everyday. For those of you who are new and haven’t heard about it, they are offering a How to Play the Piano By Ear - ebook for free today. Check it out.
Thanks you for the link. I will take a look and check it out. From what I had seen on the web, they often ask you to link the musical note with feelings, colours, visions…etc which is very abstract for kids and I really find it difficult to teach my children. :wub:
Hi everybody,
I think I was late as well for downloading the great resource. Could somebody send the pdf to me : ochlebny@interia.pl
Thank you so so much!
Me too, I was late Funnily enough it was free exactly the day my dd started piano lessons…
Can we please make a chain and email it to each other? my email is isapabi(at)gmail.com. MANY THANKS to the member who will be emailing it to me!
Never came to this page and i found it very interesting especcially the process of STUFF like crayons. As you said is a page worth visiting all days.
Thanks for calling to my attention.