Did you know sucking is good for babies, developmentally speaking? I learned this from my local La Leche League leader. I was wondering if my baby should still be relying on nursing herself to sleep, but the LLL leader told me it’s actually beneficial for babies to fall asleep this way.
I quite agree with what this expert is saying: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/718636.html
So I would let the baby have his pacifier to fall asleep. Maybe you can minimize its use during the day and distract him with other things. But at night, if it’s a source of comfort, is that really such a bad thing?
I don’t know if I could do the Ferber method, but I think every baby is different. If your baby cries a little and falls back to sleep, that would be fine. If your baby ends up puking, that’s not okay. My baby tends to escalate her crying (to gurgling followed by inconsolable gasping), so I doubt Ferber would work for us.
My DD was sleeping through the night (night feeds notwithstanding), but she recently started waking up at 6:30 instead of 7:30am, which has been tough on me.
Her nap times changed as result - she started sleeping two hours instead of one in the morning, and taking her afternoon nap later, when it’s nearly evening.
Yesterday, her afternoon nap was so late (6:30pm) that she ended up sleeping through till 10pm! I gave her something to eat (the trusty bland baby cereal… for times when real food would be confronting), and back to bed… She woke up at 4am and wouldn’t go back to sleep for an hour! She spent about half that time chatting and playing and the other half crying. ![:confused: :confused:](/images/emoji/twitter/confused.png?v=12)
Is anyone here nursing their 12-18 m.o. at night? Anyone doing the family bed?
For those with a 12-18 m.o., when and for how long does your child nap during the day?
I think if I can get her naps right, my DD should go back to sleeping through the night. :sleep: