How to make personalized books to teach your baby to read

I just put together a blog post showing how you can make your own books very simply for your baby. I love flash cards, I love computer presentations, but there is nothing like a book. Just my opinion.

If you want to see how I put together about 100 books for my babies you can check it out here.

thanks for sharing krista you are doing a great job.this gives me lots of ideas to personalize my own books.I love to create my own books and my son loves to read the books we made for him.
I love spending time on creating teaching materials for him. :yes:

I love creating books too. I would be happy to sit and make books for several hours at a time. It is so nice to have new material to show the little ones. I made tons of word books, couplet books, sentence books and personalized books. They were so useful in teaching the babies to read.

Hi Krista. Changing the subject a little bit… A few months back, I purchased one of your tutorial on how to teach babies how to read. I didn’t have the chance to watch it after it was downloaded and i’ve been looking for it on my hard drive without luck. What should I do to find it? Thanks!

Thanks for the idea, I’ve never made a book with my daughter before, but this in my plan for next year.

thanx for sharing this

i mostly make books and makes print out but this idea is good and less expensive tooooooo

E love reading books

Thank you for such an amazing idea! i just finished making a book about ‘our day out at the park’ with all the wonderful pictures we took. i can’t wait to print them out and share with my little darling.
karma to you :laugh:

Hi, Many thanks!!!

It’s great idea!!!



I hope you all get to make some of your own books. It is really so easy and fun to have personal books for your little ones and if you do them Doman style, where the words and images are separate you really get to focus on the words, with no distractions. I truly hope you all get a chance to do this with your precious children.

I’ve just ordered many pictures of my daughter doing things. This will enable me to create many books…
Krista, do you have as much success with books which do not have pictures of your children? Would you recommend cutting magazines?

That is how I made almost all of my books. I cut any pictures I liked from magazines. I made word books, couplet books, sentence books. I wrote poems around pictures that I thought my kids would like. My kids loved them and I think we used these more than flash cards. We used both, but a book was so much easier to flip through for us. I had so much fun going through magazines and when I found a great picture I felt like I discovered gold. I used to clip and collect and then sit down and make a bunch of books once I had a lot of pictures.


Sometimes we don´t start doing something because we think it is very complicated without even try. You gave me a lesson with your books showed, they are simple to do!!! I loved the idea. Thanks at all.

hello inspiring mummies,

i made about 4 books so far based on themes, ‘a day at the park: my family: all about me: and taking care of my teeth’ i’m now stuck for ideas as to what the theme of the books should be. KristaG since u made so many books can you recommend titles… suggestions are welcomed from all.

many thanks. :slight_smile:

A lot of my books are single words. I have Fruits and Vegetables, In the Kitchen, What I wear. I also would just clip pictures from magazines that I like and write a sentence for each one. It wasn’t a story book, it was just filled with different sentences and great pictures. I like all the kids magazines for that, like Parenting, Baby Talk… I made about 20 Reading Books like this. I think these really helped my son begin reading sentences. I wasn’t planning to show them to him until he was older, but at 12 months old he pulled one out and we started to read them. I pointed to the words and he followed and soon he read them on his own, at about 18 months old. You could do one on Vehicles, Princesses, Toys, My Family, Bugs…Anyone else have any ideas?

Hi Krista, could you add a few pictures to your blog with other books you made? (maybe your kids’ favorite ones)

Book ideas:
I have done stories about her friends,
POI about different animals,
nursery rhymes,
and books she likes the words too but have too small print.
The easiest method for us has been writing them out in a spiral notebook. I write four lines high and make sure everything is spaced well. That’s how I did our collection of nursery rhymes. I made a list of the ones we had already flashed the words and then a progressive list as there were more words we needed to cover. I flash the words she doesn’t already know individually a week ahead. The next week maybe a phrase or two from it and then the week after that whole nursery rhyme. We try to do a new one every week. So, every week we are flashing words, phrases, and reading a whole nursery rhyme.

Hi Krista, I’ve noticed you present your books in the landscapes format, and that the pictures come after the words, on the following page.
All my books so far had a picture on the left side and words on the right. I’ll try your way as it motivates the child to quickly read the sentence so he can turn over to discover the picture.

I always keep my words and pictures separate when possible. I use pictures as a reward for reading the words.