How to make it fun!

Dear wonderful child educators (of all kinds),

How do you make it fun? I understand that one of the most important rules is to make it fun for baby. Never let him get bored with it (stop before he wants to). I try to have a cheerful, happy attitude, smile and be excited when I am teaching my baby. Are there other ways you have found that make a difference to your child? How do you keep it fun for them?

Especially, for toddlers. They want to be on the move. I did read someone’s suggestion of watching or doing flashcards when they are a little sleepy. That was very helpful, as I found that to be a good time to get a set of cards in. (I also found that he likes to look at cards when he is sitting on the potty.)

I always find myself wanting to do more than baby wants. Especially when I read about the reading (a few sets a few times a day), math (a few sets, and equations a few times a day), encyclopedic knowledge, music … How do you do it all and have the baby wanting more?

Thanks y’all! :slight_smile:

My baby love to watch little reader so much, but not for the little Maths. When we watch Little Maths, she always says that I want to watch girls. :confused:

-LR/LM I can show her basically anytime.
-I leave an eraser board near the couch. When she climbs on the couch, I usually write a few words (I ask her which words she wants)
-Flashcards (words) I do once a day before nap or bedtime.

I interrupt the flashcard sessions with physical games - tickling, peekaboo (for baby), swinging. I find that a bout of that usually prepares him for the next round.

For my toddler, I use the nursing trick. I would nurse him while the flash cards are on.

I’ve heard that the right brain potential of babies and young children means that they can absorb information even when they aren’t specifically paying attention to it. So I used to play DVDs in the background while my son played with blocks, or his trains. Occasionally he would look up.

Sometimes I play games with my son using the flashcards. I let him use them to “teach” his baby brother how to read which he’s really eager to do these days.

With Math, I bribe my son for his attention with smarties. That’s probably not the best way to go, but it really works for him. Nowadays, he’s the one pestering me to do flashcards.

I’ve also been told to forget the regimen. Just go with your child’s interest. If you think he can take more, show more, if you think he’s had enough, stop. There’s no point trying to force more if your baby isn’t interested. In fact, you risk killing your baby’s interest in the long run. That’s what happened with my older boy - I overdid the flashcards and he stopped wanting to look. The moment I took out the flashcards, he tuned out even before I could show him the cards. He’s gotten interested again because he sees me using them on his little brother and these days he wants everything that his little brother gets so I use it to my advantage.

i actually need help! i have a 28 month old who doesn’t want anything to do with flashcards and I honestly don’t know what to do!!! i try to be all happy and excited about it but he just shuts down on me!!! i quite frustrated and i need help, ideas!!!

When i started flashing encyclopedic bits to my grandson he was very enthusiastic, When i said Lets do some bits, he sat on the living room floor very happy. Later on i had to play peek a boo to call his attention. After some time he did not wanted any more so i stop. Now i bought a different set of cards with differente topics and again he is showing very interest but i don’t know how much time it will last. We are doing a combination of encyclopedic knowledge and reading at the same time and it works.