How to increase exposure?

I am interested in teaching our child other languages (at least Spanish and hopefully Chinese or Japanese), but as I only speak English (though I do know a little Spanish), I’m worried about her not getting enough exposure. I think you have a better chance of learning a language if you are exposed to it often and with preferably native speakers, but I don’t know anyone who is fluent in Chinese or Spanish in our area. Are there groups or activities a child can join where they would only speak that language? How do all of you increase your children’s exposure to native speakers of other languages?

I know I can turn on the Spanish channel for her on the TV, but I’m trying to minimize her tv exposure to educational programs only and I don’t think Spanish soap operas can really count, lol.

I’m teaching my daughter Turkish though it’s not my mother tongue.

We visit Turkish restaurants and the staff are originally from Turkey and I order in Turkish as well as speak in Turkish when I come across Turkish speakers. I have a few Turkish friends from Turkey that I meet at my language class who have children my daughter’s age and she hears me speak to them and I hope to make frequent enough visits to Turkey every year to hopefully give her reasons to want to learn the language. We watch Turkish TV and listen to Turkish music daily. I speak to her in English and Turkish. I read to her in Turkish and cook Turkish food from time to time.

You could always visit a mother’s group and speak to the mothers there about creating a group in that target language for parents interested in teaching their child/ren that particular language.

My daughter can speak English and Turkish but it’s a hard language for her compared to English so she is better in English.

There’s not many people who are interested in learning Turkish unless they are dating/married to a Turk or have Turkish heritage or are like me and just loves the language! but I don’t expect her to become fluent in Turkish especially living in a Country like France where they only take pride in learning their own language So far she is interested and is doing well but that might change when she realises none of her class mates speak it.

Are you in the United States? If yes, check out your local “parents as teachers” group. Its free and designed for children 0-5 years old. They often have a bilingual play group where you might meet other Spanish speaking mothers.

I do not speak any other language besides English, so I understand. For Chinese, you might check out your local Chinese Cultural Center. They usually offer Chinese learning classes once a week and generally offer it to the public as well for a small fee. Our center offers a class for around $100 for a semster (12 weeks). I am teaching myself to speak Spanish and Chinese, and there are plenty of free resources out there.

For children, check out SALSA videos. They are free and there are 42 episodes. My kids love them.

Hope that helps.