How to improve concentration span of 2.5 year old?

Hi. I’m having some difficulty involving my 2.5 year old boy in non screen type activities. He has no problem concentrating on ipad educational games (with me or alone), Little M, TV (no surprise there) and he will sit and listen to me read books to him for a good 30minutes or so. However, he will rarely play with his other toys (Lego, Wedgits, train sets, puzzlesdrawing, etc). I have tried to sit with him and involve him and even then I will often have trouble. For example, today, he just knocked over any Wedgits towers I tried to help him build (he wouldn’t build his own), threw all his bubble mixture on the floor, decided to chase the neighbour’s dog with a ‘fishing rod’ from a fishing puzzle rather than use it for it’s intended purpose and was more interested in packing his textas away rather than drawing with them! if I didn’t try to involve him in anything he just moped around. No tantrums or anything…just a lack of engagement.
I haven’t spent much time alone with him recently (and he probably hasn’t spent a lot of time in his own company either). He is in family day care 3 days and usually our days home are quite full (playgroup, visits with other kids etc), but coming up to Christmas, these activities are winding down. Is it a lack of ‘practice’ … i.e. he is not used to entertaining himself without his peers? Do I need to persist?
I’m also 35 weeks pregnant so my own energy levels aren’t great…perhaps he is picking up on that?
Or is this just normal? Am I expecting too much of a 2.5 year old boy? ’
Any thoughts? Is there anything I can do?

You could try engaging him with everyday activities like cooking and cleaning. Cleaning salad leaves, using tongs, sorting, sweeping, brushing (get the childsize brooms, mops, brushes), sifting flour, sewing - putting thimbles on fingers and threading (large holes and thick cords). Start with very easy puzzles and make it a constant - change puzzles every few days. It is great that he likes reading. Set out books with his favourite topics. Similarly, if he likes cars and trains, show him how to make them with legos. At 2.5, he might prefer the larger pieces - duplo. Then pretend play for eg. going to the car wash or car show, or act out his favourite Thomas the tank scene. For my kids, the building sets will all need to have wheels otherwise there is no interest. There are preliterate and prewriting activities such as using scissors (with supervision), hole punching, stamping, play dough - make your own with him. Instead of texta, I found that my kids preferred paints. So, I let them get very messy with paint outside the house using old bedsheets, themselves, paper, tree bark, rocks etc as canvases. One day, I watched in part horror and part amusement as he turned a small table upside down, painted the surface then promptly took of his pants and swivelled his bottom on the paint. It is only recently at 3 yo that there is greater interest in pens and texta. Although they played with trains for a long time, it is only recently that they are showing an interest in building the tracks. So, I think your child is normal and just needs a little more time to grow into his toys. We stopped the tv even for the recommended 30 min because it is easier to deal with no tv expectations than constant requests. I don’t think that at this age, they can entertain themselves for very long periods. However, if you know some of his primary interests, you can try to expand the variety and duration of activities around them. What are others’ experience here? All the best for your pregnancy. I know it is hard with a toddler when all you want to do is lie down.

Thanks Amalie. Some really great ideas and a sensible reply! I think I’m expecting too much of him because his language has advanced so much. Not a baby baby anymore, just moving past toddler stage and yet not quite a preschooler. I’m also a bit out if practice because I’ve been preoccupied with work etc. I need to sit down and tune in to him again. I will let you know how it goes:)