How to help them focus?

Hi all,

My son is now at a physical age of 3 years and advanced mentally…I am having a tough time getting him to focus on a particular task/subject. He enjoys doing a variety of things and was much better before (I think).

I have been following the ’ stop before the child loses interest’ and ’ let the child decide what he wants to do’ rules as much as possible, but am now beginning to think if I should ‘make’ him sit and do certain things with him so his focus ability will increase?

I think I have read in earlier posts about having to sit down with a 4 year old and ask him to do a certain task, should we be doing the same for 3 year olds who may be mentally at age 4? I dont want to do anything that will make him not want to do all these things with me anymore. He is enjoying what we do but due to lack of attention span I am not able to do all that we were doing earlier. I feel like he knows that I wont force him to do anything, so he is doing whatever he wants (obviously, only the things I let him do).

What do you think?

Does anyone have any suggestions to increase a childs ability to focus/ increase attention span?

Thanks in advance,

My daughter is also 3 and intellectually at least 4. We have been working a lot on fucussing, listening, and following instructions. At this age (which is school age) I do expect her to sit and focus on an activity until it is complete. I am still very aware of when she has accomplished something and it becomes boring, then I find a new method of teaching the subject. I think the philosophy of letting the child show their interest is more applicable to babies.