How to Help my Son Be a Little Taller

Hello dear parents, I’m on my 25th week of pregnancy to my dear baby boy. I would like to ask if you know any growth-inducing techniques or food or anything to help my son grow a little taller than us, parents. You see, I am only 5 feet and 1 inch in height whereas my DH is only 4 inches taller than me…so, genetically speaking, my unborn son will probably be only at that range of height.

Is there any help around that I can give to my son so he can be a few inches taller than he’s supposed to be? Like, do I need to feed him more milk, or does he need to nap a little longer?

Your input will be very appreciated.



I do indeed sympathise with your request, and as a mommy, you always want the best for your children. I unfortunately am not sure what you could do in utero. In fact, I would think that good nutrition is important for all babies’ development, but I do not think it would make them any taller (unless malnutrition and then they would have growth defects).

I am not sure if you know anything about Growth hormones? These can be given to a child by a paed (after birth), when they anticipate that a child may not grow enough.

I am not sure about the negatives of this hormone, you would have to research that - but I do know it works fantastically! I have seen it with my friends’ children.

In the meantime, just look after yourself and make sure you rest enough and eat really well. Do you play your baby music? The Brandenburg Concertos by Bach are supposed to have AMAZING effects on a babies’ brain, and also could ensure a happy, well rested baby with good brain stimulation.

Best of luck.

thanks sarah…I have taken note of Bradenburg Concertos by Bach and probably purchase them at a local dvd store. I’ll also take your advice on researching regarding growth hormone.

I am not very sure whether this work 100%. But I do use the following ways. My son now is 3 1/2 yrs, he is a little taller than most of the other childrens at his age. We always applied lotion and massage his leg during the first one and half years after his bath. We bought a rebounder and he jump on it since he was 2 1/2 yrs old.

I’m wishing just the contrary…
My daughter’s dad comes from a very tall family and I worry my daughter will be very tall.
At 18m she was already 87 centimeters (2 feet and 10 inches if google says right :slight_smile:
From the time she was between 1 and 1 and a half, people kept asking me about my 2yo lol I had not noticed she was such a big baby (in weight as well) until i visited childcare and she looked different from the others 1 to 2 yo. They’re going to put her in the 2yo group. I really hope she won’t be 1.80 (5.9 feet) like her aunties but there’s nothing i can do I’m afraid…

these posts are troubling.

Your baby is not a science experiment. If you want to mess with Nature, buy a dog or a rat.

And now I’ll go away.

lol McDume, I don’t think we would like our babies to be experimented. As moms, we just want the best for our little ones and that includes being treated and regarded the same as with most of the children. Being too short or too tall may have some disadvantages for our children in the future that is why as early as now, if there’s anyway that we can help them, then we will do our best. However, if nothing natural works, then we have no choice but to accept it.

seanhendrick, i agree with you… i’m also one of the parents who wants their babies to be a little taller… I’m a little petite and had experience highs and ups in my childhood. now that there are wonder medicines but of corz i want those without bad side effects, i also use it with my baby who’s about to be 1 year old. in my home country, it is well known to use CHERIFER or GROWEE multivitamins. try googling it and see how much it costs and its effects. i live abroad and to purchase this on the net is too much pricey for me so everytime i go home i buy lots… although there has not enough proof from any scientific studies that supports the positive effect on growth of these vitamins, I still use it as well as most of my friends and compatriots. well, i do it since i know no bad side effects.

Dear McDume

I completely understand your horror at the topic discussion. However, it is a reality that sometimes in life, things can be done to help children to realise their full physical potential in a way that is NOT harmful. (that is why I mentioned that I am not sure of the effects of growth hormone). My cousin is a little over 4feet tall! She is not a dwarf, her growth was just stunted. She has been ridiculed her ENTIRE life, and when she is with her peers, she battles to gain respect in a boardroom.

If there was anything gentle and natural that her parents could have done for her when she was young, I am sure she would have appreciated it. There may be homeopathic growth aids that are out there, for example, that give a child the correct level of hormone stimulation their body requires to grow taller.

I completely understand that nature is not to be “toyed” with, and respect your point of view completely. I hope that this sheds some light on where the thread was going.

paps, thanks for the tip. I researched Cherifer and find it convincing. Cherifer helps a child to sleep longer through the night as well as take naps – and I think that is a major growth factor.
I believe you are a Filipina since the vitamin is from the Philippines. Luckily, I also am, so it won’t be hard to purchase those supplements when my baby is born.

Question though, what month did you start giving Cherifer to your baby?

Thanks sarah and alice for the input…I also plan to massage my baby regularly when he’s born.Hope it will help.