How to guide my 2 year old son to like reading?

My son just turned to 2 year old last week. I have used Baby Can Read DVDs and power point to teach him reading. He knows a lot of words.(trust me: even your baby can not talk they remember a lot more than you thought. I found that out when he started talking more and more with the words that I tought him long time ago.)
He can count to 20(missing here and there) and loves to learn. He enjoys “monkey lunch box” etc games on itouch. But the only problem is he doesn’t like to read book. I pick up a book and sit down with him and it only take a few minutes for him to flip to the end of the book and run away. When I take him to local library story time, he is the only boy who can’t sit down listen to the story. All he does was playing around but enjoy the book. How could I make him like reading books?


Read to him - children do not need to sit still to enjoy a story (and that goes for boys especially) Give him some play dough or something else to hold while you read or let him build with building blocks. Its going on even if he seems to be ignoring you. And start with very short stories and gradually work your way up to longer ones.

You can also try picture books with no words as children are more likely to look at the pictures then and show an interest - they are still listening to the story you make up. Finally tell stories while he plays - if he is playing with building blocks make up a story with what he is building and keep telling stories.

And then back to books with words and stories but plenty of pictures and on from there. Good luck.

Hi Julie,
Hi, Sounds like you have a smart active little guy.
here are some ideas maybe one of them will be helpful.
0) Try to read to him at the time of day he is least active.

  1. Make sure the subject is of high interest. ( I bet you already thought of that one: ) You can ask would you like to learn about ______ today? Then center your activities around airplanes or whatever, but use reading as one of the ways to learn about that thing.
  2. Make sure there are lots of pictures, also act out or have him act out the story or draw his own pictures or act out the story with his toys. A little reading, a little acting out the story might be more fun for him back and forth.
  3. Make sure you are not passing too many words he does not understand - if you wonder just ask, do you know what _____ means? My son comes up with some very funny misunderstandings at times like ‘get a move on’ means to ‘be happy’, If a story is confusing of course his interest will not remain.
  4. Set an example and make sure he sees you and other people around him reading and enjoying it if you can.
  5. He might like the more interactive stories that can be found on the internet such as at
  6. He might also like the type of book that is interactive where you read the story then at certain points he pushes a button with sound.