How to give baby juice/ water?

Hello. My son is about 5 1/2 months old an has RSV. The doctor has asked me to keep him hydrated by giving him baby juice, water, or Pedialyte. He has always nursed. How do I get him to drink? I tried a bottle but he can’t get the “hang” of it. My mother recommended trying a training sippy cup. Does anyone know a way to get him to drink?

EDIT** I think may have posted this in the wrong forum, sorry if I did :blush:

When Gabriel was about that age, I gave him a juice/water mixture from a bottle b/c he was constipated. It was the first time he ever drank from a bottle too. It took him a while, but he finally realized how to drink it. It just took a little while. You can try a sippy cup, but you may see the same reaction–he doesn’t know what to do.

my 2 kids was nursed and i introduced fruite juice in a very small cup.You can try in a measuring cup that you have with medicine bottles.hope you understood my poor explanation.

A syringe can work too. You can even allow the baby to suck on a soother or clean finger & slip the syring in the corner of his mouth.

If he breastfeeds, I would also try to get him to nurse as often as possible. It will help him fight off the RSV as well as build your milk supply up over about 3 days so he will get more fluids.

Thank you nhockaday, Jake, and kmum for your advice. I understood you very well Jake :slight_smile:

I tried a bottle, a sippy cup, and a medicine syringe. He didn’t like any of them but using the syringe was most successful. I took him to see the doctor and he informed me my son was well hydrated. He could tell by all the drool he left :laugh:

Thank you so much everyone!

When my kid where on nursing and go to a pasrmacist he used to tell me give him water between so he will not get hydrated he used to notice it from his cradle it was dry .water is the most good not to get hydrated.Before i managed to give him with the bottle i used a pupetta with the end like a teety .

I used water from a plastic baby spoon, just offer it often.

I have the same problem with my two year old. She doesn’t like water, but when she sees me drinking from a bottle of water, it attracts her and she wants to sip from it too.

It is good to encourage kid drink water .You are a modle for your kid so let her sip .Ido not like water much and my kids do not like it too. From my experence learnt that water is esencial so i try to drink infront of my grandson and he got used to it.

I have been giving my soon water with a spoon. I tried the pipette but I find the spoon easier because I will be feeding him baby cereal and alternate between water and cereal :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone for your great advice!