How to get started

Hiya all
my little son Alexander is 4.5 months old, a bright, cheerful and very active little boy. I really want to start teaching him reading and maths as soon as possible, he loves it when he gets all my attention and I show him new things, but I am struggling with how to get started!
I have done plenty of research but think I am getting myself more confused instead of clearer :confused:
I like the idea of the flashcard method to start with (I know I will have to see if Alex agrees…) and have bought the Glen Doman books on ebay. What surprised me is that they seem to say to start at 8month to a year, rather than 4 month - am I being over ambitious?
I also looked at the little reader / maths programmes, which seem great, but unfortunately the packages are a bit out of my financial reach at the moment.
I would love to hear from others how they got started and when, and whether I should leave it for a few more months?

Hello & Welcome!

Have you downloaded the free trials yet for LR/LM? At least try them out. And both LR & LM offer monthly payment plans for the download only version.

Also, you can look into

And now is the perfect time to start!

Good luck & have fun teaching your baby! :slight_smile:

Thank you - I did not know there are monthly payment plans: that may work for me!
I kind of avoided the free trial, thinking I might fall in love with it and then be sad if I cannot afford it. However, thinking about it, of course it will give me exactly the starting point I am looking for! :rolleyes:
Am so excited: off to sign up :smiley:

Definitely try the free trial version - I used LR with my 8 month old and my newest baby, now 4 months has seen some already though I am not doing it on a schedule with her yet. At this age flashcards need to be big and the writing very big and clear and preferably red though black is more than clear enough. Also at this age work on pointing out things - take a walk and show him things, the world is so new and he’s going to need to be able to associate the written word with both the real thing and the picture version. Enjoy it!