How to fit in a bedtime story with infant feeding/sleeping routines

Hi - I have a 5 week old and want to start reading simple bedtime stories as part of our bedtime routine. I am following a combination of Gina Ford’s and Tizzie Hall’s routines (The New Contented Baby Book and Save Our Sleep). The routine basically outlines that the baby should be in his/her room and feeding should start no later than 6/6:15pm after a bath. Should I read a book before starting the evening feed? I am worried it may overstimulate her and result in problems with putting her to sleep.
Has anyone tried either routine and incorporated a bedtime story? What sort of success have you had? Is 5 weeks a little early to start … or another way of putting it - are the benefits of reading a bedtime book minimal at 5 weeks and is there a later age to start where the benefit yield is greater?
Thanks mtb999

I started reading a bedtime story when I was pregnant and still do it every night. That is the one “scheduled” story that we read every day. I read right before he goes to sleep, after we have done everything else.

Thanks nhockday. Just to clarify exactly what you do … - you read a story after your little one has had a feed and burp, when they’re swaddled sitting on your lap? How do you then get them to sleep? Some nights my DD is so drowsy after her feed she’s practically asleep before I put her to bed. Other nights she’s wide awake and it takes forever for me to settle her so that she’ll sleep!! Thanks again!!

Well, my son is 18 months old now, so the routine is a little different. We watch signing time, nurse, brush teeth, change diaper, read a story, and then I put him in bed and turn his music on. When he was younger we had a similar routine. If you know that your baby is going to nod off right after feeding, then you can try to read right before you feed (if the baby isn’t too fussy, that is). Since she is so young, you may even want to read while you are feeding her. She can’t really see the words and pictures that well anyways. Once she gets a little older, it will be much easier to schedule reading. But I do recommend you start now. I think the sooner you introduce books and reading, the better. Plus, little ones really love to hear your voice. It can be incredibly comforting to them.

Karma to you - Thanks! I’ll give it a go tonight :smiley:

i make it a habit to read her a storybook before and when she sleeps. i also put her favourte story book on her bed so that when she wakes up from sleep, she can see the picture from the storb book. .it’s good if you can start early… 8)

I didn’t use bedtime stories when my child was that young or even for quite some time as I found it was more beneficial to read to her in the afternoons when she was more awake. I think bedtime stories only really started at about 6-8 months old for my daughter, but she was read to during the day before that. Do whatever works for you and don’t be afraid to change - babies change so rapidly and their routines are constantly changing as they grow older - its great if you can get a bedtime story routine going though but you might have to do it for you rather than for your baby some nights - you could even read to her when she is asleep then - don’t make the routine more important than the child basically.