How to do Memory Linking

Also, based on my understanding and reading several post from different sites, i have just outlined on the process ML is done, not sure if it’s correct, but would appreciate your comments

I guess the different ways to do it

To show her the flash cards and narrate the story line for that picuture and then at the end of the story

  • show her 2 cards choices, if she is not yet verbal, where one choice has the correct picture sequence and the other card does not, then she can point and tell me which is the right one

Then as she progress in memorizing, i guess I can show her 3 or more choices where she picks the correct picture sequence.

As she gets better in communicating more verbally, then i can just lay all the picture cards upside down and she can say the picture or another variation to it, could be where i lay all the pictures in non-sequential manner and then she can pick the cards or points to it in a sequential order

As per memorising power gets better, then i guess i can just stop the the flash card method and just tell her the story line for each object where she uses her eyes, i feel the way to do it is put all the pictures on the picture board and tell her the story. Then at the end of the story i can just reverse all the pictures and she can tell me picture with / without the story line
An advancement to it could be where she tell me the pictures in reverse sequential order.
And further advance technique would be using Picture sentences which is mixture of words in a sentence

I assume, that I can say my daughter has mastered LM if she can narrate the whole story line exactly the same way or even place the correct pictures sequentially on her sheet by just looking at the set of pictures even without me mentioning the story line.

I am not sure what i mentioned is the right way of doing, but i have just based it on my assumption by reading all the post in this site.

Do tell me if my process is correct.

wat is the correct age to start this?

They do ML from birth, but in the first year of your child, you do more of the question answer session, till ur child gets a feel of the game and is able to use her eyes or fingers to point to the right answer