how to chooose a kindergarten?

how do you choose kindergarten for your 3 yo?
what are the criterias you look out for , and your priorities?

My top most priority is - should be nearest to my house. should check testimonials of other parents or old students. After prekg and kg, i wish not to change school - till college. also how much teachers bond with child is important.

yes, it should be close to home.
my experience - it is important how old are other children in a group. My 3 year old girl did not like group with equals of age (and it was outstanding provate kindergarten with brilliant testiminials) but now she goes very happily to municipal kinder garten (no testimonials at all) where there are 3 - 6 year old children in a group.

I agree in the fact that it is important to look for a kindergarten near your home but for me the most important is to decide what school i want my child to go because certain pre-k and kinders prepare for certain schools.
About the age we can not have that because children are group by age in all the classes everywhere.

My prioriry will be references for that school!!
Next go for a visit and see if it is clean, friendly people and a safe enviroment.
Ask about the curriculum,if your child is advance for certain class can he move to the next class.
ALso I will have to meet the teacher before signing my daughter up for the program…not kiding. Think that your child will be most of the day with her…and you need to know her, ask question about her experience,homeworks,time outs,how many kids for class, You mom need to feel the conexion right there…otherways look for another program.
Well I don’t think my priority will be the distance from my house, I woudn’t mind driving long distance for GOOD SCHOOL!!

totally agreed with PY :slight_smile: