How to boost up toddlers immunity?

My kid (26mths) gets flu easily and her running nose and cough normally last for about a week plus and when she has recovered from it for a week , the flu bugs attack her again. I’ve been giving her chromine for running nose and rhinatoil for cough whenever she got the flu…(these can be bought from the pharmacy) but is it safe to give her so many flu medicine whenever she got it or should i leave it for her to recover herself without giving her any medicine? I’m not sure will she recover without medicine…

Got a friend who told me its not a bad thing that she got flu everytime because each time she falls sick and gets well , her immunity gets stronger… Is it true? Even if you give her flu medicine , and she got cured will boost her immunity too?

I do not know how the immunity system works.

Anyone who have such knowledge pls enlighten me.


You can’t go wrong with a good vit c, asorbic acid c, vit D 3, zinc, and olive leaf extract, and a good source of omegas such as Nordic naturals fish oil. Administrated daily, and you will say good bye to most colds.

Hi, may i know which vit c is good? Is the olive leaf extract in liquid form? The Nordic fish oil…are you referring to this? It says for 3yo above…


Those are great suggestions. You can also try to reduce sugar intake, make sure she drinks enough water and feed her roasted garlic if you sense she might be getting sick. It is delicious and it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and a bunch of other things. Eating the garlic is a great preventative for getting sick. When they kids start sneezing, we roast garlic.

It is true that as she gets each flue her immune system develops and anti body to fight it. Without the drugs her immune system has a higher chanse of creating enough anti bodies to prevent further disease. However with drugs is still effective just not a thorough. So the trick is to just use the drugs when they are really needed. Sick babies are miserable and drugs often help both mum and baby cope. Often getting better fast now is more important than later immunity issues.
So for boosting immunity. Fist you need to get baby well. What is she exposed too that is causing the illnesses? Daycare is a germ city. If she has only started going recently she will be exposed to many new germs and potentially be sick on and off for a while before she has immunity to all those new germs. If this is the case then patience is all you have as a weapon :frowning:
If it’s not daycare then check out around you. Prhaps the local library or playgroup isn’t as clean as it should be. Or perhaps she is recently mobile and exploring.
My kids are strong and healthy. I don’t recal ever sterilizing anything for them beyond 3 weeks old. I let them play in the dirt. Wash their hands only before eating. Don’t freak out when they taste everything. Simple actions like this can boost immunity in children while they are healthy.
The other great tip is plenty o f sleep. The body does a lot of work while we are sleeping.
My hubby awards by the garlic. He has it raw, chop and swallow. It doesnt smell on him after the first day. You could add some to the food you all eat.
My nephew is constantly sick. It is difficult to build up an immunity that is sick all the time. It stresses his parents. I understand how you feel and hope some of the tips you are given work for you.

Great suggestions, everyone!

Here are a few things that worked for us and that I always suggest mommies I work with.

If your baby is sick already – I would suggest you look into homeopatics.

For cough – we use homeopathic cough syrup ( there are a few available on the market, the one I am familiar with is, but there are a few out there you can check out);
for flu –
for fevers that go too high – Bellandona

You can get more specific suggestions from a homeopath of course!

Also evaporating certain low doses of essential oils can really speed up recovery – eucalyptus, cypress, lavender, lemon, cinnamon…

Here are a few other things we do for strengthening our children’s immunity and protecting them from sicknesses. Our kids hardly ever sick, and we definitely not isolating or over-protecting them – we have just done 2 cross-Atlantic trips in the last 6 months – lived and travelled in a few 3rd world countries, ate and drank local drinks and foods. I got sick with the flu once, while both of my kids did not even get it, – they got an occasional cold, which did not last for more then a day or two. I am really thankful for it, and am really happy to share some of the things we do.

  • We breast-feed for a long time, my almost two year old just finished BF 2 weeks ago
  • Dont vaccinate – vaccinations weaken one’s immune system
  • Dont use antibiotics or synthetic medications routinely – there are times and place for these, for example during an appendicitis surgery, or something similar, BUT antibiotics are terribly abused these days. In case of cold, flu, etc. – there are so many natural effective things can be used - garlic, cloves, Grapefruit Seeds Extract, Cinnamon – just to name a few
    -Eat fresh, local, organic produce – avoid genetically modified, or chemically sprayed fruits and veggies. Better less, but higher quality
  • Use coconut oil for cooking and adding to your child’s diet – check its benefits on Dr Mercola’s site
    -Not every vitamin C is the same. The best of course is to get all your vitamins from your food, but it is not always possible. In that case I would suggest Acerola Powder ( as it is absorbed the easiest by child’s body. We just add it to our children’s drink
    -GSE - grapefruit seed extract . Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) has very high amounts of disease-fighting, free-radical eliminating antioxidants and phytonutrients called bioflavonoids. One of these powerful bioflavanoids (plant antioxidants) include the chemical component hesperidin, a well-known natural immune-system stimulator and booster. A recent study done by Microbiologists from the University of Georgia found that GSE was a very effective non-toxic disinfectant. Sadly, commonly-used disinfectant have high levels of toxicity and are harmful to humans, animals and the environment. The same study found that GSE demonstrates a “wide spectrum of activity,” including antiviral, antimycotic, and antiprotozoan capacities against many bacteria and viruses, including E.Coli.¹
    Another recent study from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that grapefruit-seed extract was effective in killing over "800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single and multi-celled parasites."² No other naturally-occuring anti-microbial can come close to these results.
    We add a few drops of GSE to our children’s drinks daily. But in situation, where they are in contact with lots of germs, sick children, etc, we give them some extra – we’ve seen amazing results and it is something that we always have with us, especially when we travel across the world. (
    Vitamin D – your baby’s skin would generate necessary Vitamin D, as he is getting his sunshine – so fresh air and sunshine are very important. However not in every country or in every situation children are able to get enough sunshine time especially during the cold winter months – try supplementing with Vitamin D, especially during the flue seasons. Here is a good information on that:

During cold winter months and flu season we occasionally give children - Black elderberry juice extract – it is known for immune building properties…

We do not use or eat anything that contains white sugar or artificial sweeteners – those are true immune killers – we use lots of fruits, dates for sweetening, wild honey, maple syrup ( natural) or stevia; nor processed foods ( like white rice, flower, breads, etc). – wholesome foods might seem a bit expensive, but you need much less to get satisfied and health benefits are amazing.

When friends come over and want to bring children a treat, we would suggest dry fruits, fresh berries, etc – and it was always a winner!

Chlorinated water danger – even if we make an effort to drink clean water ( most of us do) it is often overlooked that when we take a shower our body takes in a large amount of water and whatever it contains. If your water is chlorinated – consider installing reverse osmosis filter for your house, or at least put an anti-chlorine filter on your shower. Chlorine can really weaken the immune system and cause whole lot of other problems (

Do not overdress your child!

Encourage lots of physical activity, especially outdoors - running, climbing, etc

These are some of the things that I believe make a big difference.

It might seem like a lot, but when you start doing it, it is not really a big deal, and you are thankful for benefits.

My SIL was sick constantly during the end of her teaching degree she started taking fresh parsley from her garden and now she’s a full time teacher surrounded by kids being sick all the time and hasn’t had much more than a cold. She makes her boys tak parsley now when they’re sick and they recover much quicker.

Another trick I heard was, if you couldn’t eat garlic was to crush a few cloves into some very warm water and to soak your feet in it for about 20mins to 30mins. The garlic goes straight into your blood stream. My Husband says he feels it working after 20 mins. It definatly lessens the severity of colds and flus

I would also look into getting a food intollerence test done. This is the Australia web site but it is all done from in Germany. I’m sure there would be one for the US or what ever country your in. Its the only blood test in the world for food intollerences and very acurate. I used to get sick constantly and even had problems conceiving because my immune system was fighting the food I was eating and not the bad bugs. I found out I had an intollerence to 69 different foods. Its hard to cut out because i basically couldn’t eat any processed foods, but as soon as I cut those foods out of my diet within a matter of weeks I had so much more energy, my brain fog lifted, my mood was so much better. (Some of the foods were the main culprates like gluten, wheat, sugar, milk and eggs). The best news was after two months of being on the new diet, I fell pregnant and have been able to continue that pregnancy (I had a previous miscarriage about 12 months before).


I was not sure if it was a misspell or if you were giving your son Rhinathiol. I would caution against it, if you can avoid it.

It is a drug, and as such it has a number of side effects for one.

Also, when you look at ingredients, ( Each 5 mL of syrup contains carbocisteine 100 mg and promethazine HCl 2.5 mg. It also contains the following excipients: Sucrose 3 g, alcohol 122 mg, methyl paraben (E218), powdered caramel colorant (E150), cocoa flavoring, vanillin, sodium hydroxide and purified water.) apart from an active chemical ingredients carbocisteine and promethazine, it contains parabens, colorants, alcohol, sodium – all those things you would want to avoid. And those definitely would not boost immune response, rather cause additional problems.

It is very difficult for body to obtain and strengthen natural immunities, when chemical products and immune suppressants are administered at the same time. And thus many of us finding ourselves in vicious cycle of sickness after sickness, administering medicine after medicine. So if you have a choice, you can possibly consider homeopathics, or natural medicines, lots of pure water, nutritious food, herbs, vitamins. In the beginning ( while your son’s immune system is getting re-strengthened) he would still have bouts with sicknesses, but if you will help him to go through them using immune strengthening techniques, strengthening his overall stamina, upping his vitamin input, etc, his body will fight sickness, and more often then not he will get better in the same time frame or faster, then when he was given synthetic drugs, with chemical cocktail. Plus, as you have mentioned, his natural immunity would be built little by little. Of course it would be a slow progress, but definitely something to strive for!

Wishing you all the best! Hope you did not mind me sharing all this. My niece had the same problems till her parents decided to stop chemical drugs input and put emphasis on strengthening her immunity.

Skylark that was interesting. Reading through perhaps I now know why we don’t get sick!
We eat organic veg and some fruits ( mostly home grown), use coconut oil for cooking ( due to hubbys allergies), breastfed til a year, eat italian style parsley instead of lettuce in salad ( because it’s easier to grow!) our water is 90% rain water.
I Almost never use drugs. It has to be a last resort. I will give the kids cough mix so they can sleep and allow their bodies can heal themselves. How does the homeopathic cough mix compare? Taste? My kids really REALLY hate medicine. They really are the healthiest kids I know. I can’t remember the last time I got sick, so something must be working. My neighbour says it’s because we have veggies every single night.
I have to say I know a lot of kids and parents, and I do find that the mums quick with the drugs are the ones with kids who are always sick. I wonder which came first…chicken and egg… It can take such a long time to rebuild an immunity, a hard habit to break.

Dr Joseph Mercola -


The homeopathic cough syrup acts a bit faster in my opinion ( having seen both used) and is very effective, I only give it, like you, so they can sleep and get extra rest. But honestly we hardly ever use it. Kiddos do not usually get sick. It tastes like concentrated honey…

So happy for your kids, it truly makes sense what you wrote and the strong immunity is a proof of the pudding :slight_smile:

This is so interesting to read all your suggestions :yes:

We drink Rooibos tea and when necessary we use Echinacea drops and during the flue season we use homeopathics.

Skylark I have just noticed that you are pregnant - congratulations :slight_smile:
Could you suggest any cookbook you use?
It is probably out of topic but because Saska has milk and wheat intolerance I am looking for optional recepies.
I tried to avoid sugar as well as her eczema doesn’t need it :wacko: . The problem I have is that she is tiny for her age / I know it is genetic as I am small myself keeping the same weight since I was 15!!/ but I would like her to put on some weight. Anyone has the same problem?

But on the other side she is healthy and she has never used any antibiotics.

Lelask, thank you! :slight_smile:

@ Cookbook – I am not using any particular one. I use some on line resources though for ideas and then tweek them :yes: – when it is a winner, I keep it for future reference :slight_smile:

Some places I got great ideas:

I am sure there are many many more, but these ones that I go to for some ideas and inspiration. However I always “improve” any recipe I get, change it, adjust it :yes: so at the end, I truly just get the ideas from different places and end up with my own recipes that I like, ha!

I also use a lot of tips from Indian cooking, however I supplement different ingredients ( either for healthier alternative or for something more easily available), we love Indian cuisine in our home!

I have milk intolerance myself, so I have never was able to drink straight milk, however I was able to eat some natural yoghurt and kefir, how is your daughter’s? For that reason I also do not give straight milk to my children, apart from some goat milk occasionally. However I make my own home made kefir ( it is great for immunity) and make smoothies with it for kiddos every day – adding bananas, avocado, coconut oil and other goodies.

I would not worry if your daughter is on the smaller side as long as she is active and healthy. A few things you might want to supplement with – avocados ( truly great for developing toddlers bodies), coconut oil (preferably unrefined one), it would add some healthy fat to her diet

You can make some nice baked goodies for her using buckwheat flower ( which is gluten free and high in minerals and trace elements, easely digestible), adding some ground almond ( almond meal it is called here)

Smoothies is another great way to give some extra nutrients in a fun form – I would use almond milk or coconut milk, add banana, avocado, some greens, a bit of coconut oil, cinnamon and pure vanilla – it is delicious

If you use soy milk for replacing normal milk, try getting organic one, as soy crop is widely genetically modified, and you would want to avoid that. But I would personally chose almond milk or coconut milk or hemp milk over soy…

Another fun food – super easy home made “ice-cream” – freeze some over ripe bananas, then blend them on high with a bit of coconut or almond milk, some nuts, vanilla and cinnamon ( or if you would like to add some other berries too) – it has consistency of a restaurant served ice cream – delicious and healthy!

Hope these ideas help

Oh, Lelask, forgot to say – Roibos tea is favorite in our family, and yes I heard that it is really healthy, even though I did not really researched much on it – we like it a lot! Thank you for mentioning it.

Big Thanks everyone for your kind sharing! These are definitely helpful :slight_smile: Hope we get more health tips here …cheers!

Hi Skylark , is the Acerola Powder & Grapefruit Seed Extract suitable for 2.5yr old kid?

Rhinatoil is prescribed by my kid pediatrician and is also sold in normal pharmacy. We can buy over the counter too… Didn’t know it will kill the immunity and such bad side effect… Thanks for enlighten me :slight_smile:

The pediatrician normally will prescbribed antibiotics if the running nose and cough is not cured within 5 days :frowning: and my kid has been drinking quite a no. of times of anitbiotics and rhinatoil, chromine…
I find another medicine called “singulair” is quite effective for her cough … not sure anyone know if there’s any side effects for taking singulair?

Yes, it is suitable for babies on and up.

Skylark thank you for all your suggestions and links.

Well , at the moment I don’t know for sure she has a milk or wheat intolerance. We are on elimination diete because of her excema and after leaving that out her skin condition is much better. I am still breastfeeding her so I don’t eat anything she can not. We are going to have her blood tested by the end of june so then I will hopefully know what she is alergic to.

We don’t use soya supplements for now but I am slowly adding different food to her diete and watching out for reactions.

I am so going to try that banana ice cream :slight_smile:

Could you tell me how do you make kefir? I am thinking of getting Tibetan mushroom and try to make some milk and cheese myself. I am note sure if that can be made with other than soya milk :blink:

I have bought coconut oil and started to use it.
With the avocado I am looking for some nice recepices as I am only able to eat it mixed with banana lol
I used to liked it a lot but not anymore. :confused:

Mandabplus3 Our family lived in Papua New Guinea for 2 1/2 years when I was a kid and the only food avaliable was freshly grown from a local’s garden or our own. Everything was organic and grown in beautiful volcanic soil. No one in our family was sick when we lived there (a part from baby brothers asthma and dads maleria) and when we returned to Australia no one was sick for the first 12 months. Aferwards it was a totally different story.

Skylark I don’t know how similar cough syrup for little ones is from 25 years ago but my mum was giving it to me when I was 2 years old once and every 4 hours I would come up to her and cough like i needed more. She got curious and looked on the label. It said Alcohol 17% and that was enough for her the throw it away. She thought she was turning me into an alcoholic.

lelask my cousin was tiny for her age and she ate like a horse, she caught up in her teens as well.

I’m curious about Paracetamol (Panadol etc) for myself I try not to take if I have a fever because I recognised that if I let my body sweat out the cold it will only last 24 to 48 hours, but if I take Paracetamol for any reason it drags out the cold for nearly a week. What I would like to know is what about babies and toddlers. Their temperature regulating system isn’t fully developed and it can be dangerous if they overheat. Is it fine to let them heat up a little or should you administer childrens panadol as soon as there is the first sign of a fever.


Conventional cough syrops are full of the ingredients I would not give to anyone in my family, much less babies or toddlers. There was a CNN article a while ago, that gives a little insight on it: ( But of course this is just a newspaper article) Just check ingredients!

The only cough syrup I used in my family ( and it is extremely rare, my kids usually either don’t get a cough or if they do – hot mist humidifier with some herbal extracts or essential oils relieves it enough and actually heals it) is homeopathic one, the ones I know are: and The ingredients are not harsh, they are honey based with no alcohol and combination of homeopathic remedies

Totally agree with you on eating healthy, makes a world of a difference!

have been using paracetamol all the while when my kid gets fever >37.5 degC 6hoursly as advised by the pediatician. Am i doing wrong? … oh dear…
What should we give to the kid (2.5yo) in case of fever for heathier choice?..
