How to attract my child to switch to focus on reading words from books

My son is almost 21 month old. He likes reading a lot of books. We tried many different ways, but he’s still only interested to read and pictures, and never pay an attension to the wordings. I am wondering if there’s any way to slowly making him to pay more attension to the words so that he can slowly start reading himself.


The key is to find books which separate the pictures from the words onto different pages. Glenn Doman’s “Enough, Inigo, Enough!” book is that way. And that’s also why Little Reader presentations are delivered that way.

You can also download our free e-book stories, which also have them on separate pages:

Hi baby1,

Take a look at Readeez. It has little cute bite-sized films that teach with each syllable. They combine the written word with the spoken word in a way that gives kids the unique experience of being read to while reading for themselves.
